I'm having the worst luck! :(

Morning Halo. I haven't incubated any eggs yet...still waiting to get coop, etc., built. When I saw you mention that you incubate in the 1588 and hatch in the 1602 it caught my attention being as this is exactly what I intend to do.

Do you do anything to prep the 1602 other than letting it run for a couple of days prior to moving the eggs into it? Water bottles for heat sinks maybe? Take out all the vent plugs? ????

My apologies to the OP, I'm not intending to hijack the thread but I saw the incubator combination and was curious about it.

Thanks all, and

Im hatching just about every week now, so the most prep I do with the 1602 is, toss chickies in their brooder, clean out the eggs shells and paper towels (I hatch them on paper towels to make clean up easier). Then I have a spray bottle with bleach and water, I spray the inside of it, let it sit for an hour or so, take the incubator outside, hose it out good, bring it back in, put water in the plastic liner, put paper towels back in, put in hygrometer, put in next batch of eggs, close lid and voila!!! chickies in 2 or 3 days. In fact I just put another batch in yesterday. I keep the vent plugs in, and the temps stay very stable. I havent adjusted for the last 5 or 6 hatches. Im very careful now not to let the humidity get over 60%, if I can help it. Much better and cleaner hatches that way.
Thanks for the reply, Halo. Sounds like you have a production line there going pretty good!
Mine will not be quiet that rigorous (at least to start with <grin>).

Plugs in vents. We're down here in south Alabama with high humidity so I'll have to see how it works. Do you dry hatch? I like the paper towel idea....easier clean-up is always nice!


Morning Halo. I haven't incubated any eggs yet...still waiting to get coop, etc., built. When I saw you mention that you incubate in the 1588 and hatch in the 1602 it caught my attention being as this is exactly what I intend to do.

Do you do anything to prep the 1602 other than letting it run for a couple of days prior to moving the eggs into it? Water bottles for heat sinks maybe? Take out all the vent plugs? ????

My apologies to the OP, I'm not intending to hijack the thread but I saw the incubator combination and was curious about it.

Thanks all, and

Im hatching just about every week now, so the most prep I do with the 1602 is, toss chickies in their brooder, clean out the eggs shells and paper towels (I hatch them on paper towels to make clean up easier). Then I have a spray bottle with bleach and water, I spray the inside of it, let it sit for an hour or so, take the incubator outside, hose it out good, bring it back in, put water in the plastic liner, put paper towels back in, put in hygrometer, put in next batch of eggs, close lid and voila!!! chickies in 2 or 3 days. In fact I just put another batch in yesterday. I keep the vent plugs in, and the temps stay very stable. I havent adjusted for the last 5 or 6 hatches. Im very careful now not to let the humidity get over 60%, if I can help it. Much better and cleaner hatches that way.

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