IM injections in birds

Great find
And this from Procedures for the Avian Patient.html

"Intramuscular injections
Intramuscular injections are often given more frequently in avian patients than in cats and dogs where IV catheters are more common. However, studies have shown that muscle necrosis happens frequently with intramuscular injections. Therefore other routes of administration should be considered when available. IM injections are most commonly given in the pectoral muscles located on either side of the keel bone. Due to the renal shunt of birds, where blood in the lower part of the G.I and caudal extremities may pass directly through the kidneys prior to being filtered by the liver, it is recommended that injections be given in the upper two thirds of the birds’ breast muscling. These muscles also contain a higher number of capillaries making aspiration before giving the injection even more important."


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