I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

I am new at this posting thing but hear it goes. I have raised a lot of chickens and moved from a safe place raising them the first time but now I do have neighbors with dogs, a few incidents have happened and my neighbors have replaced hens, If two hens are killed by there dogs ,they replace 4 hens, I know I am responsible for my hens and they have to be responsible for there animals also. We as land owners know this rule. It has worked so far. I also have a Beebe gun it's not powerful enough to pernitrate an animals skin. When I see them coming all I do is step out the door and they hear the sound of it, they retreat very fast. I have not had any problem with neighbor dogs since. Its been 3 years. I lock my girls in every night because of coyotes and fox. I have 35 hens and I sale the eggs, they are non caged eggs and I love my girls. They are good therapy. I know a lot of you are heart sick because of loosing your girls, and I am very sorry for your loss.
I am new at this posting thing but hear it goes. I have raised a lot of chickens and moved from a safe place raising them the first time but now I do have neighbors with dogs, a few incidents have happened and my neighbors have replaced hens, If two hens are killed by there dogs ,they replace 4 hens, I know I am responsible for my hens and they have to be responsible for there animals also. We as land owners know this rule. It has worked so far. I also have a Beebe gun it's not powerful enough to pernitrate an animals skin. When I see them coming all I do is step out the door and they hear the sound of it, they retreat very fast. I have not had any problem with neighbor dogs since. Its been 3 years. I lock my girls in every night because of coyotes and fox. I have 35 hens and I sale the eggs, they are non caged eggs and I love my girls. They are good therapy. I know a lot of you are heart sick because of loosing your girls, and I am very sorry for your loss.
Your neighbors sound like mine, which is a good thing
Ugh I am so sorry that happened! I completely understand your guilt but everyone here has made mistakes and it’s a really sucky part of learning :/ I know our border collie got very focused on our chicks and acted strange but now they are grown he is used to them. I wish you the best with your new hatch ❤️
Well I came home from work to find nothing in the brooder. The border collie Got in the house, my grandson left the door open on accident. I guess I didn't deserve them, so much for being a chicken mom. I've got 22 in the incubator, it won't happen twice. I'm58, I should know better than To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping a door would keep them safe.
My heart hurts for you...Don't be to hard on yourself..even the most experienced have done things that impact our animals..forgive yourself and continue to move forward..I had a migraine yesterday and didn't get out til 15 minutes after dark to lock up my ducks...in that short time a raccoon killed 5 of my girls..we've all been there...as we are all human..
Bielefelder m
My heart hurts for you...Don't be to hard on yourself..even the most experienced have done things that impact our animals..forgive yourself and continue to move forward..I had a migraine yesterday and didn't get out til 15 minutes after dark to lock up my ducks...in that short time a raccoon killed 5 of my girls..we've all been there...as we are all human..
Oh, so sorry for your loss. Much bigger than mine. I remember from the book "All Creatures Great and Small" the people would say,"These things happen. " and carry on no matter their great losses.
😂😂 I agree about the odd mix and said the same thing. The parents belong to my neighbor. The dad is the Yorkie. Mom is an Australian Shepherd. The neighbor didn't think her Yorkie could do the deed so she was very surprised and dismayed to realize her mistake. Needless to say her Yorkie is now fixed.... 😂

My little guy's looks have changed quite a bit. He started out looking like his mom and now looks like a Corgi/Yorkie mix (long body, short legs). He's 30 lbs now and stands about 15" tall.
Him at 6 weeks old
View attachment 3200465
This is him napping today. He'll be a year old in October.
View attachment 3200468
He's cute
It's happened to many of us. With our dog fence we went all out building the fort Knox of dog fences. We spent the extra money for big round wooden posts, paid extra for the nice thick 2"x4" livestock fencing and then paid even more to run coated electric poly wire at the bottom and at the top to prevent digging and jumping because we have a husky. We obviously don't want our dogs going after the our birds, but also don't want them running around the neighborhood. I thought there was no way that one of my dogs could get out and get ahold of any animals. Then one day one of my ducks decided to fly up and over into the dog's fenced yard. She landed right next to my husky who has the prey drive of a bull shark. Within seconds he had broken her neck. She never was the sharpest tool in the shed, but I still have never forgiven myself.
Well I came home from work to find nothing in the brooder. The border collie Got in the house, my grandson left the door open on accident. I guess I didn't deserve them, so much for being a chicken mom. I've got 22 in the incubator, it won't happen twice. I'm58, I should know better than To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping a door would keep them safe.
:fl hope it doesn't happen again. Sorry you had that happen.
Just had a Belgian Malinois puppy kill and eat half of my favorite new Chick.
The Chick that came running to me when I came home.
I buried the chick and shot the dog.
No more heart break from the POS, it was his 2nd time going after the chickens in two months.

His Mom is great with the chickens. I won't take any chances because I also have 3 Macaw Parrots. The oldest I got at 10 weeks old, she was 36 two weeks ago.
I grew up on a farm and animals that kill other animals are put down, including neighbors animals that come on your property and kill.
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