I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

Don't beat yourself up . God wouldn't do anything or let anything happen that isn't best for you on the long run. I know I've made plenty of mistakes too. And now you can learn from your mistakes and resolve to keep them in a safer place. I am sorry for your loss and hope it doesn't happen again. Sending hug s🤗😀
Just had a Belgian Malinois puppy kill and eat half of my favorite new Chick.
The Chick that came running to me when I came home.
I buried the chick and shot the dog.
No more heart break from the POS, it was his 2nd time going after the chickens in two months.

His Mom is great with the chickens. I won't take any chances because I also have 3 Macaw Parrots. The oldest I got at 10 weeks old, she was 36 two weeks ago.
I grew up on a farm and animals that kill other animals are put down, including neighbors animals that come on your property and kill.
As a child growing up, no one kept a biting dog or a flogging rooster. It was a given.
Accidents happen and the dog was just being a dog. Really no one to blame here. The day I let my chicks out in to the run something got 2 of them. Right during the middle of the day. They just vanished. Sucks but that's life. Don't sweat it.
Don’t beat yourself up! I left chicks in the brooder ( a giant card board box) left to go to my moms house and got a call from my husband 3 hours later. I had pregnant brain and forgot to put my dog out before leaving. It’s what we still refer to as the quail-pocolyps of 2015. 8 week old quail everywhere! He cleaned up before I came home but my dog had a grand old time like he had 16 squeaky toys.
Don’t beat yourself up! I left chicks in the brooder ( a giant card board box) left to go to my moms house and got a call from my husband 3 hours later. I had pregnant brain and forgot to put my dog out before leaving. It’s what we still refer to as the quail-pocolyps of 2015. 8 week old quail everywhere! He cleaned up before I came home but my dog had a grand old time like he had 16 squeaky toys.
I imagine, I feel for you. I am glad you're still here and didn't give up. I made a mistake but I'm not a quitter. I learned the hard way but I learned..
Well I came home from work to find nothing in the brooder. The border collie Got in the house, my grandson left the door open on accident. I guess I didn't deserve them, so much for being a chicken mom. I've got 22 in the incubator, it won't happen twice. I'm58, I should know better than To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping To leave them unguarded in a cardboard box hoping a door would keep them safe.
That one is tough! We had a German shepherd that we took in when the owners home burned down. They assured me that he was raised with chickens and wouldn’t harm my new babies. As a precaution, I put hardware cloth over the top and closed the door. When I came home, I realized the door handle was a lever type and a quick paw could easily open it. The hardware clothe was lifted up and all my baby chicks were a mid afternoon snack. He never hurt my adult chickens, but those fluffy balls of goodness was just too much to resist. He was quickly forgiven, because he had far too many redeeming qualities. Then, this year, my mother moved down from Missouri, bring with her the hated chihuahua from helllll. He wasn’t even her dog! He belonged to her drunken boyfriend who went to jail for stealing her car and drove intoxicated. I know TMI. Anyway this dog was the bane of our existence! He growled at everyone, marked the house and would poop just minutes after coming inside. Then one day, mom left the door open so she could take a nap without having to worry about him. I told her that my gosslings were loose, but she forgot. The rule was that he was never to be out unsupervised. Well, he killed all of my 6 week old goslings in no time! To say the least, no one shed a tear when mom took him back to Missouri.
Just had a Belgian Malinois puppy kill and eat half of my favorite new Chick.
The Chick that came running to me when I came home.
I buried the chick and shot the dog.
No more heart break from the POS, it was his 2nd time going after the chickens in two months.

His Mom is great with the chickens. I won't take any chances because I also have 3 Macaw Parrots. The oldest I got at 10 weeks old, she was 36 two weeks ago.
I grew up on a farm and animals that kill other animals are put down, including neighbors animals that come on your property and kill.
Wait, you SHOT THE PUPPY? That breaks my heart. That puppy was just being a puppy, doing what God made it do to survive. It needed to be trained how else to act, not shot! When I first got the chicks, my puppy hated them to. She would have killed one the second she got a chance. After a couple months of training and showing her a different way to react, she is now super polite and I 100% trust her around the chickens. It is their instincts to chase and kill the chicks, they know no other way to act, and it’s horrible to kill it without even trying to train it. And just to save yourself from “heartbreak”. Doesn’t it break your heart to kill that baby dog? Please help me to understand, cause right now I am truly so saddened. I wish I could have given that puppy a home where it could have gotten proper training and love. 😢

Also I just read most of your other comments and ALL of them say something about killing some animal. I don’t understand people like you- people who don’t think twice about taking the life of something else. It’s terrible and breaks my heart.
All other options should be Exercise throughly before we resort to killing anything. That’s not the case with you, your first thought is just to kill it! No big deal. It’s easy and quick. You don’t seem to understand that that is another life, another beautiful creature. Who has the right to live and be loved.

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All these stories are interesting and helpful for dog and chicken owners. Someone said that dogs will do what dogs are meant to do. How true. One more note is (hard as it is) keep your chickens untamed. By making them pets and comfortable with other species your risk their nature to feel and sense fear. Chickens should feel fear and that will keep them safe. It’s a process!

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