I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

Wait, you SHOT THE PUPPY? That breaks my heart. That puppy was just being a puppy, doing what God made it do to survive. It needed to be trained how else to act, not shot! When I first got the chicks, my puppy hated them to. She would have killed one the second she got a chance. After a couple months of training and showing her a different way to react, she is now super polite and I 100% trust her around the chickens. It is their instincts to chase and kill the chicks, they know no other way to act, and it’s horrible to kill it without even trying to train it. And just to save yourself from “heartbreak”. Doesn’t it break your heart to kill that baby dog? Please help me to understand, cause right now I am truly so saddened. I wish I could have given that puppy a home where it could have gotten proper training and love. 😢

Also I just read most of your other comments and ALL of them say something about killing some animal. I don’t understand people like you- people who don’t think twice about taking the life of something else. It’s terrible and breaks my heart.
All other options should be Exercise throughly before we resort to killing anything. That’s not the case with you, your first thought is just to kill it! No big deal. It’s easy and quick. You don’t seem to understand that that is another life, another beautiful creature. Who has the right to live and be loved.

Yes, it did break my heart, but he had become a predator. He didn't kill it playing, he killed it to eat. Too many times in life I've had Mother Natures Serial Killers kill my animals.
Raccoons, feral cats, dog packs, minks, etc... Unlike many on here that are hobby farmers, I grew up where we didn't name the pig, cow, chicken, rabbit, duck because they were food.
These chickens are pets, when I paid the $2 for them I took responsibility for their life.
Don't they deserve to live in peace, what about their right to life and to be loved? I really thought the dog was going to work out and then BOOM, it decided to kill and eat the chicken. Once it starts it will never end.
Unlike many on this board who think it was just a chicken and that's what (insert animal here) do, I hold the birds life in higher regard. I also stated that I have Parrots. One for 36 years, one for 22 years and one for 6 years, I've had them since they were hand fed and just weeks old. They are like kids to me, would you take a chance on an animal that might at any moment kill one of your kids. Never!
So yes, I shot Buddy with a sad heart, and I would never push my problems off on someone else, Buddy became a cold hearted killer and I ended the grief that goes with a killer.
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I really wish it was, but I honestly don’t think so. If you read @macaw1us past comments, they are all about killing something. If you have a problem, than his advice is to instantly kill the animal. It is heartbreaking. I think that Poster is just a person with very little compassion for life, a Person who sees a animals need to be Trained and cared for as a inconvenience.
And Inconvenience?
Lucy is a Search and Rescue, Cadaver dog, it took a bit of training and patience.
It also takes a bit of compassion to go out and find a missing relative or loved one for people that judge you because of your life experiences or politics.

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