I'm setting eggs tonight 2/2/12, any hatching buddies out there wanna join me?

I just have to report that the air tubing works great for adding humidity. I piped one one into each of the channels for the incubator and after I added water initially to get it up to the right humidity it works great to boost it up when the humidity drops just a bit low. I use a large 30cc syringe and add warm water to each channel to bring it from 60 up to 65. Just thought I would share.
That's great Reyvaughn...ameraucanas are so sweet...and a lav one will be beautiful...I hope it's a girl for you...my 2 are almost ready to lay their first egg...

I have 25 Lav (and a couple split) Ameraucana eggs in there, lol! I am sure at least one is going to be a girl. ;)
I have two more zipping and about 4 other pips. They are doing better than I thought they would!
I have 8 fuzz butts this am!! 2 eggs have pips the other 5 I can't tell if they have pips or not. Is it ok to leave them all in the bator till tmrw??? I want to give them a chance to hatch & not risk shrink wrapping them.
My turkey poult is zipping her way out and one of my chicken eggs has pipped!
5 out - two splits, 3 lav Ameraucanas! One zipping! I should have some more, but these guys are running around like mad and rolling eggs all over the place so I can't see what's going on with the others. They are on day 21 now. My Cochins are on day 18, so I hope they start emerging soon, too!
Finally my first pip!! It is day 20 as of 1pm today hopefully it goes fast once this baby gets out of the egg. Can't wait to see all the fuzzy butts!!
This is truly a form of self torture I think!!
Out of the 15 set eggs, 8 have hatched & are all fluffed out. 3 are pipped w/ 1 to hatch any time now, 2 pipped dont seem to be doing anything at all, 4 I can't tell if they are pipped or not. I soooooo want to scoop out the dry fluffy ones & just snuggle with them all!!! Must restrain myself......oh & no one told me how BAD they would smell!!!
The stench wafting out of the bator is whoooo weeeee, baaaaad!!!!! I'll be sure to hold my breath once I go in to get the little fuzz balls!

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