im setting my eggs in my homemade bator at 12 enyone with me ? :D

Awsome! you going to keep all the chicks?sorry i havent been posting been out of town for a while.before I left one of the chicks had a curled in foot so i put some tape and plastic on its foot to hold it in correct shape and when i got back the tape had fell off and its foot was normal so im pretty happy about that because it was so bad it wouldnt have made it.
What is this from... in the same area as the other chicks, but this is the only one with toes like this.? Is it bad?
im not sure sometimes its from a slippery brooder floor but it is bad and needs to be corrected if that chick is going to live a normal life they arent set yet so you can take a thin peice of plastic(i used a plastic picnic plate)and cut it to the shape of its normal foot or another chicks foot that is normal and then correct the toes to that shape and tape them i used electric tape and had tape one toe at a time just make sure it is tape in a normal position cause that is how it is going to set
I have them on wood shavings, I took the picture on my kitchen floor... I taped up its toes... hope it fixes it, how long am i looking at before they go back to normal ?

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