I'm So Excited to be Posting Here!!!!!


Sep 17, 2016
Fayetteville, AR
I hope you'll still accept me even though I don't have chickens....yet! I am doing all my research on what breeds I want and where to get the best deals on them. Its been a long time since I had any. I raised Old English Bantams, Araucanas, Rhode Islands, and a plethora of other breeds as a kid in 4-H. I haven't been able to have them, because for the past 6 years I was living in an HOA sanctioned neighborhood. I just moved to North West Arkansas, though, and have finally broken free of HOAs! The house already has an adorable shed that I plan on sectioning off for nesting boxes. I can't wait to embark on this amazing journey. If anyone has any words of wisdom, or advice I would love to hear it!
Hi and welcome to BYC - great that you have joined us and doubly great that you have broken free of the HOA shackles! Please make yourself at home here with us and enjoy the chicken talk.

Best wishes

We are excited to have you here!
If you think a refresher course  would sharpen your skills - please check out the Learning Center at top of page.  :welcome

Thank you! I will definitely check this out. Might learn something new :D

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Also, you may want to stop over at this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/37675/arkansas-folks-speak-up the "local" threads can be a great way to network with folks in your area which can be very helpful when looking to source your stock as you can get some great leads on who has what breeds in the quality you might want.

I posted there right after posting this thread. Great minds think alike :lol:
Welcome to Backyard chickens!! I hope you enjoy it and the camaraderie here and everybody that goes nuts over chickens (me being one of them....) Have fun! And ask questions!

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