I'm so old I Remember when:

I found mine recently but they didn't have all those A's & B's. :hmm

DD was a good student but I once told her "Papa didn't have B's on his report card." (My Mom would have thrown a party if I brought home a B.)
I don’t remember report cards with letter grades. We got notes to take home.
Mine were generally of the ‘could try harder’ variety.
I grew up in an area where I could ride my bike in the backyard, and the backyard only. We would go out and play, and have fun. Pfft, there was even the "do not enter" spider house with black widows. We faithfully stayed away from that. Sadly, I never rode my bike in the front because we'd get in trouble because helmet laws (I get that they are there for a reason. And yeah keep your head safe.) I've scraped my knee, gotten some nice hurts, but ever since we moved here there's so much less to do since no one wants to let most of us out in the front without being watched. As far as I'm concerned it's safe, but it's hard to convince others.
I remember when bike helmets first became a thing. I was already grown by then. I think I may have been in college when I got my first one.
As a kid we rode everywhere but were supposed to be home by dark.
I also rode my bike to school and my Dad insisted that I not carry my books on my back - they had to be strapped to the carrier over the back wheel. That was a safety requirement in his mind to do with keeping my center of gravity lower.
Don't get me started on how much I hate apps :mad:. App for this, app for that, scan the physical ad that comes in the mail to claim your discount in app. Ugh.
I don't do apps. I do not scan QR codes. I don't do the Mperks the local store offers.

I don't bank online, either. I get my paper statement in the mail and balance my checkbook with a calculator.
OTOH, my brother, while not book smart, is one of the most intuitively intelligent and resourceful people I've ever met. Probably what gained him the nickname Mac Gyver in the Gulf Wars.
My brother is dyslexic and can't read much at all. He dropped out of high school.

He builds homes for people who have their own private jets.
I don't do apps. I do not scan QR codes. I don't do the Mperks the local store offers.

I don't bank online, either. I get my paper statement in the mail and balance my checkbook with a calculator.
And you are the kind of person we need more of. As much as I love tech I have a line I draw. I'm fine scanning a QR code on the bottom of my laptop to get the serial number pasted into my device in a fast manner. But I'm not fine scanning every single thing, or downloading every stupid app that every single thing seems to require.

My family banks online but I think they'd rather not have anything in the bank.

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