Immature Cockerel?


May 10, 2016
Knoxville, TN
I have a cockerel, Max, who's around 18 weeks old now. As of yet his comb has not gotten dark red or that big. His tail is definitely looking "roosterish" as his is coloring. He's supposed to be a standard EE, though he could be a mix.

I also have a bantam EE cockerel who is all rooster at the same age...has been crowing for a couple months. Max is definitely submissive to the bantam, which is amusing since he's twice my bantam's size.

My question is, do standard's mature slower than bantams? Max hasn't even attempted to crow and basically acts like he's one of the girls. He also has the brightest green legs I've ever seen!
This is Max from a few weeks ago.

My bantam of the same age as Max!
That's totally what I was thinking...same guy sold me what he claimed to be an Orpington that's a crazy mix of something and she's huge! LOL
EEs have slate legs....
Anyways your EE could for sure be a Orpington cross..Explains the wrong leg colour and comb..
Just wait it out...He seems happy anyways...He does not care what he is?

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Most EE's have greenish legs.....some look more slate when young, but usually get greener as they get older.
That's the main way to tell an EE from a true, pure breed Ameraucana.

All EE's are a mix(cross/mutt/whatever you want to call it) leg color and plumage color can vary greatly.

Beyond all that...sometimes cockerels will cease or slow maturing when there is a dominant cock/erel in the flock.

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