
In the Brooder
May 21, 2018
I have a 10+ year rooster who started acting strange last Sunday and I noticed his crop was still full with the cracked corn he had eaten the day before. Unfortunately I just kind of left him to himself. Well, it got worse and only then did I learn what it could be. After some time I eventually took him to a vet where the contents of his crop (although much of the corn was still in there...) was sucked out. The doctor provided a ten day supply of terbinafine (anti fungal) and trimethoprimsulfa (antibiotic). While waiting for his meds his crop began filling with fluid and I was unsure what to do or why it was happening.

Only after more research and build up of courage did I decide to drain the fluid myself with the tipping over and massaging the crop. Over a couple days I was able to get pretty much all the corn out and the crop was no longer filling with fluid.

I read that kefir was supposed to be great for this condition, so I bought some kefir yogurt drink and gave it to my rooster thinking it would be a great cure, as that person gave kefir grains and was an overnight success apparently. This was not the case for me. My rooster is now very thin, can hardly stand, and is not able to keep his food down and is constantly opening and closing his beak and regurgitating the crop contents. I don't know what to do.

I'm still giving him his doses of antibiotic and antifungal, and hoping that at least some of the food I give him sticks and is digested. He does poop but only a couple times a day. I read ACV should help, but I'm unsure what would happen since I'm giving him the yogurt for the nutrition and pro biotics while giving the antibiotics as well.

I just him to get better and be his usual self. It breaks my heart to see him like this...
Could be something wrong that is causing his digestion to get backed up. 10 years is pretty old for a rooster.
We've just been through the same thing with our 3 year old hen. More or less as you describe your problems: hard compacted crop, soft squishy crop and then the liquid coming up. This went through a 4 week rotating cycle. She also suffered significant weight loss.

We did the same as you, yoghurt, draining the crop, massage and antibiotics. Nothing was happening and it was a cycle that just kept repeating.

People on the forum suggested it might be worms but the vet and us couldn't detect anything - even under the microscope. So we moved away from that diagnosis.

Then two days ago she did a poop which had some worms in it. We were surprised but also a bit relieved that it was something treatable rather than a digestive system blockage. We've now been prescribed a wormer treatment and it has already made a difference. We're not out the woods yet by any means but she's a lot perkier and has suddenly started eating again with gusto.

Might be worth having his poop checked.

Good luck. 10 years old is fantastic and I hope you're able to sort him out so you get more years with him.
MandS, I never really thought about worms being a possible issue. I did see some "strings" in his poop and it happened to cross my mind it might be extremely thin worms but that was it. What medication did you get for your chicken? Could VetRX work? It's an over the counter medication I've used before for eye worms but not much else.
I'm afraid I don't know. If you are in the US then hopefully someone there can answer.

If you're in the UK then flubenvet is good. We got prescribed panacur, which is for cats but is often prescribed because vets don't have flubenvet.

The active ingredient of both is flubendazole.

Again there may be folks on here who can advise more.

Take a look at roundworm pictures. They are long and stringy.

Good luck!

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