
  1. POD


    Feeling overwhelmed, my whole flock is affected by scaly skin on their combs and faces. Some of them have now lost feathers and their scalps have thickened. I want to know if anyone can give me a second opinion on the photos I will attach. Has anyone treated favus successfully? How long did...
  2. Goosebaby

    Oxine antifungal information

    I don’t like just taking someone’s word for something, it’s caused problems for me in the past and let’s be honest, a lot of people spread bs around without realizing it’s bs, like the medicated feed toxic to waterfowl myth for example. So I was curious about Oxine’s supposedly curing birds of...
  3. Goosebaby

    A safe cure for Aspergillosis?!!!

    For those that are new to poultry keeping that don’t know what Aspergillosis “asper” is like myself when I started raising ducks and geese, Asper is a highly fatal opportunistic illness caused typically from inhailing spores or less often having them infect a wound... and the spores are...
  4. R

    Impacted Crop, then Sour Crop and it Continues

    I have a 10+ year rooster who started acting strange last Sunday and I noticed his crop was still full with the cracked corn he had eaten the day before. Unfortunately I just kind of left him to himself. Well, it got worse and only then did I learn what it could be. After some time I...
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