*IMPORTANT* - How to deal with an Aggressive Rooster

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Day 3

Charles was picked up while everyone was getting their meal worms. He was not happy, I suspect because he did not get to eat some meal worms, but settled down right away. I make sure we make eye contact and that it is positive. I set him back down and he calmly walked away.

I should mention that as I started to put him down he squaked so I put him back up to look at him. Then put him all the way down.
That is all. lol
Oh, and now you're making me want some Blue Orpingtons!

3rocksandme:You shouldn't HAVE to give him a treat first....although it will probably make him come up to you. Don't worry about the fact that he doesn't like to be picked up or petted though: many of my chickens will rather NOT be picked up (I guess it's a bird thing) and some of them are still apprehensive about the petting....I just try to make to experience as positive as possible for them, so even if they don't like it that much, they go away even tamer, not scared of me.
One thing they ALL seem to like though, is being rubbed under the eyes and between the wattles....my brother discovered that trick years ago I think, and we've been doing it since then.

Are you SURE you've never done this before?!?!
Once again, everything sounds like it was perfectly handled.....especially when you started to put him down, he squawked, and you took him back up: something probably a lot of people wouldn't think of, but EXACTLY the right response.
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Sorry for the double post....

A couple people have been mentioning getting this thread stickied.....like I said, I would be nice, seeing as it's a question that seems to be asked a lot, but is there a way that I can go about getting it made into a sticky, or do I just have to wait and hope a mod does it?

Once again, thanks bunches everyone!
As a newbie I was concerned learning about the different ways to deal with Roosters. Some have roosters attacking their children and guests! This to me was appalling. The thought of a person or child being scarred for life or perhaps losing an eye convinced me to be ready to kill any roosters who go slightly aggressive. I know better now – thanks you Yazzo, and the rest who have posted on this thread. I still will not hesitate if I find a crazy bird brain amongst the bunch, to send him to Camp Freezer, but I hope these techniques will help me, and others, be better keepers of our livestock which can LEARN the appropriate and acceptable behaviors from us. This should be a permanent thread and required reading for all chicken owners current and prospective.
It is for the welfare of us, our loved ones, and our guests. By the way, got any advice on how to teach the chickens from pecking at the dog's shiny eyes while he's laying down for them to pick the burrs off of him? Currently I just cover his eyes with my hand while they are near his head. To keep them tame I don't want to slap at the chickens do I?
Thanks Yazzo - nope never had chickens before and did not expect a rooster. We have to be successful or Charles will have to go! But I do train my dogs.

Day 6 - Charles continues to behave. We had our picking up session just a few minutes ago. He talked to me (gentle little almost cooing noises) the entire time. It was actually kinda cute if he is allowed to make those kind of noises?

I have never seen preferential behavior towards any of the pullets, except he does share a roost with the other black Polish, on most nights. I had to remove Anaise a BC/WC black polish cross (very interesting puff on her head) who had a leg injury, so only Elodie (WC black) is there with him. For a few nights Elodie was on a roost all alone because Charles though he would be cool and roost with the others. I was really mad at him then, but the last few nights he is roosting with her again.
Thanks for the tips!
My 1 year old Blue Andalusian (a former house chicken we raised when he was the only chick to make it out of the incubator) has been getting a bit 'cocky' and can't be trusted with the kids. They like him, even so, but it would be nice to gentle him down a bit.
they need to come train my dog to leave the chickens alone

still have issues with one roo... he quit pecking me though but sideways walk still but tries to get my 2 yr old
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