Are your hens laying fewer eggs and you cannot explain why?

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I'm thinking that a normal "posting bias", if you will, makes it impossible to make any inference about what is happening at larger scales just from trends in social media postings. How many people post with "My Chickens are Laying Exactly as Usua!" or "Everything is Completely Within the Normal Variations for Chicken-Owning!!!!" (unless it's replying to an opposite problem posting)?

In general, I see social platform postings being extremely biased toward reporting problems and worries, because that's when people feel the need to check in with others. So that any increase in social reporting doesn't necessarily reflect any increase in what is actually happening across the population. I think this would be a normal phenomenon and would happen even if no one was trying to be fear-mongering or had any agenda (although some probably do).

The posters above are saying this too and the summary that "saysfaa" wrote is accurate, so if you don't want to contribute to the click count you don't need to :)

I know of lots of other known biases in data collection, I wonder if "posting bias" has a real name?
Good point about posting about problems. Hadn't even thought about that.
I'm thinking that a normal "posting bias", if you will, makes it impossible to make any inference about what is happening at larger scales just from trends in social media postings. How many people post with "My Chickens are Laying Exactly as Usua!" or "Everything is Completely Within the Normal Variations for Chicken-Owning!!!!" (unless it's replying to an opposite problem posting)?

In general, I see social platform postings being extremely biased toward reporting problems and worries, because that's when people feel the need to check in with others. So that any increase in social reporting doesn't necessarily reflect any increase in what is actually happening across the population. I think this would be a normal phenomenon and would happen even if no one was trying to be fear-mongering or had any agenda (although some probably do).

The posters above are saying this too and the summary that "saysfaa" wrote is accurate, so if you don't want to contribute to the click count you don't need to :)

I know of lots of other known biases in data collection, I wonder if "posting bias" has a real name?
Its a well known factor in the creation of studies, called "Selection Bias". Consciously or unconsciously altering the outcome of the study or poll by one's selection of the study's participants.

To borrow from recent Politics, two elections ago, you could hear people saying "I don't know how Hilary lost, everyone I know voted for her" at the same time others were saying "How did she get so many votes, no one we know voted for her" - and the outputs you got were largely determined by whether you polled major urban centers - NYC, Chicago, Washington D.C, San Francisco, etc or remote urban areas. Importantly, BOTH STATEMENTS WERE TRUE - within those self-selected social communities.

Another Link
Another in a different industry
I’m hearing and reading many stories on this subject
I myself in Canada am not dealing with this
I have 11 girls and I’m getting 11 eggs a day
I have ducks but use chicken feed as I can’t get duck feed around here
In order for this to become so in our faces there must be many who aren’t as lucky as I am
If my eggs drop off then I will have more concerns but will continue to watch how things go
I was able to get 18 chicken eggs from the store today for 5.00 on sale from 7.00. Our prices have gone up but not to bad yet
My husband won’t eat our ducks eggs
Myself I would rather eat the eggs from the girls I look after and know what they eat and the health of my bird
@Aunt Angus i think
It’s great you are sending it in
Getting to the bottom of this stuff is very important to all no matter what the outcome is
That's wonderful of you. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. What brands have you chosen, so far?
She hasn't. She's been begging people who claim to have had bad feed to send her a sample. Mostly "crickets". I believe three posters have stepped up and offered to send feed since this AM. The others either went silent or claimed they fed all of the bad feed and didn't keep the bag, but have been a little shy about what exactly they were feeding (brand and type), when they bought it, and where they are located in the nation.

Which reminds me, someone DID share a bag of what they started feeding their birds (with nutrition label) and I was going to compare it to the nutrition label of the feed they had been using to look for any significant differences.
She hasn't. She's been begging people who claim to have had bad feed to send her a sample. Mostly "crickets". I believe three posters have stepped up and offered to send feed since this AM. The others either went silent or claimed they fed all of the bad feed and didn't keep the bag, but have been a little shy about what exactly they were feeding (brand and type), when they bought it, and where they are located in the nation.

Which reminds me, someone DID share a bag of what they started feeding their birds (with nutrition label) and I was going to compare it to the nutrition label of the feed they had been using to look for any significant differences.
Two concerned people have offered to send me samples.

I can't test a whole buncha feeds. At $150ish a test, it'll add up in a hurry.

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