Are your hens laying fewer eggs and you cannot explain why?

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Don't YouTube "content creators" make money based on views? The motive for making a bogus video seems more conspiratorial to me than that feed producers would knowkingly sabotage their feed or that all us unpaid BYC moon bats would argue with people about it. I'm not saying bad feed issues have never happened-i very well remember dogs vomiting blood from Taste of the Wild food not too many years ago. But we're not talking about sick chickens, just chickens not doing what we want them to do when we want them to do it. If these "issues" persist into the spring I will be interested to see.
Hmm, I'm not sure where I stand on this. 🤔 I have noticed that my girls like certain feeds more than others and hence will eat more of it, but as for "bad" feed, maybe there are some? Though I would guess it to be due to individual batches getting the short end of the stick. Earlier today, I opened a fresh bag of feed and there was old mold EVERYWHERE... opened an older bag of the same feed brand and it was perfectly fine. As for my girls, I have 8 layers and I'm getting about 6 eggs a day with over half the flock in the middle of molting. I would be cautious of Economic Ninja... he has some good advice but a lot of things he hypes up either blows over or never happens. It's always best to be prepared, but not paranoid.

Others may disagree, but I just give my girls lots of herbs, cayenne and love; they seem to be laying fine :)
The "Poplar Report" video on youtube (I'm not going to drive view counts by linking it) is much the same. Anecdotes, unsourced "someones", very short on detail, long on speculation, no offered mechanism of doing this. Which video came first, I couldn't say.
and the offered remedies - feed more corn, feed more oats, feed more scratch, feed less soy, and now feed goat feed (among others) all demonstrate a woeful ignorance of poultry feed science and the nutritional values of the offered substitutes. At least when people say "feed cayenne pepper to warm them up in winter" it does no harm, and may keep the rats out of the feed.
Well stated by a true scholar of poultry feed science.

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