

In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
does imprinting always work... can you get independent ducks ?? just wandering as i hatched out a single cayuga and have been with him constantly just me. he cuddles up to me when im holding him however sometimes when i go towards him he peeps frantickly and runs away also he tends not to follow me hes 3 days old.
I believe imprinting usually works. This sounds like normal behavior in the beginning. Does he have any siblings?
Imprinting most always works, but they will always have certain instincts that will stay with them always or at least during their youth. Most of them get upset when when you hover over them because it mimics predators from above... Hawks, etc. You can work on this by approaching them from the side instead. They will be more inclined to build trust this way and eventually you should be able to hover over them without them freaking out. Often times they will even start lying real low as youwalk up, making themselves easy to pick up. Baby not following could be that imprint is being lost, or that he is just happy and confident enough to let you stray a bit.... Which is a good thing. If there are other animals around a lot.... Cats, dogs, ducks/ducklings... Then the imprint on you can be lost pretty quickly at this age.
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Mine were quite scared of me for the first week or so, until they figured out that I'm the one with the delicious greens treats. They call to me when I wake in the morning, trying to get treats. It's hysterical, they stretch their bodies up as far as they can get to see over the brooder edge, and depending on where I am sitting, they might just catch a glimpse of me. Oh man, when they do....the peeping is on bigtime!

Of course, they also call to my dog when she's in the room, and she doesn't even give them treats.....
My little ducks came in the mail yesterday, 2 female Runners
They can't be more than days old, and they have imprinted on me. So fast. I went to take them out of the shipping box and put them in the brooder box, but Ivy, my little fawn and white, was trying to jump out of the box! So I put the food and water on the floor and hung out with them until they fell asleep next to me. We've pretty much been inseperable since. They follow me (mostly, sometimes they get confused on whose legs are moving but they are becoming more familiar with MY voice) They cry if I put them back in the box, so they follow me around the house alot. It's a good thing we have a lot of hard floor because I don't have diapers yet. I am hoping they will be combo outdoor/indoor ducks. I have a dog-house for them to sleep outside with my chickens when they are older. Does anyone know if imprinted ducks have a hard time seperating from "mom" when they are older? Will they be okay outside, especially with my 5 hens?
On a related note, they spend their nights in the brooder next to my bed. They are pretty good in the night and as long as they can see me laying there they don't fuss, but sometimes if I roll over and they can't see I'm there anymore they (well really it's mostly Ivy) start to cry. They stop if I roll back over and then we all fall back asleep. It's a little annoying but it doesn't bother me too much and the rest of their little noises don't keep me up. However, my boyfriend has trouble sleeping with it and I'm going out of town until late Sunday night. He doesn't want to sleep with them, but if they are left alone they cry. Is this because if the imprint? I don't want to sever this connection because I like the way they interact with me and they are my little darlings, but I can't think of a good solution....anyone have an idea?

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