In defense of the ROO


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Waverly WV

Meet my rooster Smilin' Bob
After a long long line of man fighting psycopaths that got a one way ticket to freezer camp, I have fallen upon a true gentleman. I have had Smilin Bob for two years (since he was a very young cockrell) and have never actually seen him feed anywhere but in the run. When the hens are out for thier daily free range, he is ever vigilant and quietly talks to the hens warning them of all possible dangers. When he happens across a juicy grasshopper or something similar, he calls excitedly until the hens come rushing to exploit his find. Unlike his predecessors, he does NOT take advantage of that moment to "take advantage" of the hen.
Bob is very gentle with the ladies and is quick to break up a rile between rival hens. When I gather eggs I sometimes find a hen still on the nest, she of course finds this quiet offensive and begins to complain quite loudly. By the time I come out of the coop, there is BOB waiting for me. Never once has he made an aggessive move although I guess I would understand if he did in that situation. The only time he has ever been offensive was when my Tomcat thought it would be neat to play junglecat and chase the hens. Bob jumped in front of him with his wings down and that was sufficient. The cat gave up. SO take heart, there are good roosters out there.
I love my Patch, and my Backfire, and my Stormur, and my Punkin, and my Sweetcheeks....

...that is to say, I don't name the bad ones. I mean, other than "Chicken Parm" and such.

Congrats on the great boy!
Long live Smilin' Bob! So great to hear a nice story about a roo. I love mine. We had to get through some rough weeks as a teenager, but thanks to BYC roo-wrangling techniques, he's a sweetie, though not as proven as your Bob. Thanks for sharing. He's a looker, too.
^You made me hungry

Having a nice roo is great, isn't it? He's nice looking.

I've had 2 rooster that were just good, never had to touch them. I think they remember what happened to the not so nice ones.

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