In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

This is Duke. He is Big Roger's cronie. I tend to just ignore him: he's a "whoops" from the tractor supply store that I got him. (a dominique pullet is what I thought was being grabbed from the tank) Ha! But he definitely has added personality to the flock and he is submissive and just sneaky a little bit to keep himself happy. My son happens to love his Duka Chooka and since the two Roos get along we'll be keeping him. He's been known to bat at my ankles with his spur nubbins, but then Roger puts him back in his place protecting my honor...totally hilarious. He's also been known to try to seduce Roger's High Hen, but then gets put in his place again. Okay. I'll admit it. Our flock wouldn't be the same with out the "Duka Chooka." He happens to take the best photos out of the flock. Big Ham.
Here are my two boys. So far they get along Sash is very submissive so it works for now.

This is Sasha, LOVE his colors and really don't ever want to have to get rid of him due to fighting so I hope he stays submissive. He's my favorite'

This is our king, Hagar. My husbands favorite. He's pretty docile with us so that's good. He's our loud guy too.
This is my favorite roo, Penny:


(He gets his girlish name from when we thought he was a hen, but when we heard him crow we didn't have the heart to change his name; he knew it so well. Now he free ranges with all the old hens and roosters and he's a great protector of his girls from other roosters!)

My family has a lot more roosters (we take roosters or hens from people who don't want them or can't keep them, and let them free range around our farm. They do not go into the stew pot! Our farm is a non-kill farm!). The other roosters I haven't bonded much with and aren't so camera friendly. Penny, however, follows me around everywhere like a stalker! I love him!
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