In search of pictures of suburban backyard coops!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 17, 2012
I live in a suburban area where we actually can have chickens, as long as the coop is 20 ft away from the other houses. We have your typical backyard with a cement porch and grass area. I'd love to see coops of people with the same type of yard!

LOVE! I'm so showing that one to my husband. I think even I could make that one! Thank you!!!!
Lot of back yard coop pics on the web site: Google: TheCityChicken,com

We have a 6000 sq ft lot. The total foot print of our run is 4x10 and the coop is 3x4, for four hens (pullets still officially!)...worked out great so far...good luck!
PDX, I like your coop! Ours will be the same dimensions. Can you share a photo of the interior someday? We're finishing up, and I'm worried about where we'll put the guts (roosts, box, etc). I also like the green roof! Nice!
Here's ours. We have a 1/2 acre suburban lot. The coop is 4x8, and the run (including the space under the coop) is 4x16. We cleared out a section of flower bed at the back of the lot. Zoning requires the coop to be 40' from any residence (ours or the neighbors).


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