Increasing Numbers of Your Flock


8 Years
Sep 27, 2011
Gold Coast QLD Australia

I recently got a Chinese Silky Roo from the animal welfare here in Australia.
I have 3 Bantam pullets about 4 weeks old. The rooster is already in the
coop & the girls are still in the brooder.
Can I ask when do the girls come into 'season'? Is there a 'season' or are they
fertile 24/7?
How often will their clutch of eggs become chicks?
My coop & run is not huge & I dont want to be overrun with chickens. Four is fine
for me!! I just need to know is this a manageable situation or can it get out of hand
like rabbits??
If you don't want chicks just harvest the eggs before they sit on them too long, no big deal.
They only hatch into chicks if the hen has been sitting on them for 21 days.
To my knowledge as long as a roo is around and mating the eggs will be fertile.
Silkies are broody so if you have silkies on eggs just make sure you take the eggs the day they are laid so they don't hatch them without you knowing.
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Yes you can eat them if they are fresh but i wouldn't if they have been sitting on them for a while, because then you wouldn't be sure if they are developed or not.
Yes you can eat them if they are fresh but i wouldn't if they have been sitting on them for a while, because then you wouldn't be sure if they are developed or not.

by awhile she means over 24 hours.
Ok thanks. I would really hate to break into a half developed egg.
I will be checking on them daily for eggs & incubating, so there'll be
no risk of any egg getting to the developed stage.

Thanks for the info, its been a real weight off my mind

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