Incubating 1 Egg! Hatch Along With Me! Need A Hatching Buddy!

Hi Ladies, I've been absent from BYC for most of the Winter here, but I'm back and spring is on the way!

The calves and lambs are arriving so I thought the chicks should too,
Set 24 chicken eggs today EDD 28 August

Mostly buff orps but a couple of shaver crosses.

I'll chime in from time to time keep you updated
kiwi- your intro threw me for a minute, I thought some old post had somehow landed here....then I saw you are from New Zealand
I have been living up here in the woods here for toooo long and am a bit out of touch with the world I guess!
BTW I love New Zealand. It is the most beautiful place on earth! Someday I want to visit. But not as a tourist. I want to wake up in a beautiful old stone house in the middle of nowhere and have my coffee outside watching the sheep. And I would like to find someone who I could get a homemade sweater from, preferably made by someones grandmother. I always loved the sweaters my grandmother made me. I need to learn to do it myself

Good luck with your eggs! I will be waiting to hear how they are doing!
fluffy- ooooh what fun. What do you get when you cross silkies with regular chickens? One of mine is a roo and is with all the others so next year....
It is an addiction.....

I tried candling again, and I THINK I can see veins. There are very dense and large shadows there anyway, so I know they are fertile and developing. One of the lighter ones was broken when I got it home, and I taped it up, that one looked clear, and the membrane was hard and leathery, so I cracked it open and it was all watery. It was fertilized, but no blood ring ect. It just didn't do anything. I was hoping it might be ok and put it in anyway but no down to 11 for sure. I also got my incubator under control....It hasn't wavered a bit since we reset the wafer. I actually slept through the night last night!
I just hatched one egg (silkie) 8/2 out of a homemade incubator that was put together that night. It's a long story how I acquired the egg, and to make a long story short, my mom used to have an incubator. When I called her she said she sold it last year. So....made my own.

The chick hatched wonderfully, but let me tell you, with one egg I think it's even more nerve racking! I'd be going nuts with several too, but with one it's like it's your one shot!

We've named her (hoping it's a she) Miss Peep. I feel bad that she's in the brooder all by herself. I have a stuffed animal in the corner that I peek into. When I do peek in there, she literally runs over and hops up on the stuffed animal to be picked up. Then she whines when I have to go to bed...but I can't take her with me
Poor thing. On a happier note, she'll be the friendliest of the bunch I'm sure.

MUCH LUCK TO YOU!!!!! I just wanted to share my story.
I just turned all the eggs. I was going to candle the egg last night, but didn't cause I was really really tired ...

I will candle it tonight when it gets dark so I can see better. Yep, this chick would be pretty friendly too since it'll be the only "Chicken" that "Might" hatch. Besides the button eggs!
Such a cute story! My silkies are sweet too. They were my Mom's but she gave them to me, the kids LOVE them. Her beau loves the chicks and used to sit in the yard with them perching on his shoulder, so they are very tame too. When I first put them out with my older chickens they discovered they could squeeze through the fence. The first time they did it I was on my way out to get the eggs and give them a treat and caught something dark running at me from the tall grass and turned to see one of them running along at my heels peeping the whole time. Then here come the other one at a run! They love to snuggle in the kids laps and fall asleep. I was going to give them back to my mom, they dont seem to have an sense of self preservation like the other breeds, and I worry about them, but the kids wouldn't hear of it! So I had to put up another fence, inside my fence to keep them safe...they are worth it though:)
All seems well in the hovabator today. A little stinky, but I think its from the outside of the eggs?
The eggs came from a friend so I'm not 100% sure how fresh they are

Violet - I can knit you a sweater!! or teach you

We're getting 2 or 3 lambs soon to bottle feed and teach to walk on a lead for the kids Agri DAy at school.
When they're big enough we'll take their wool and spin it. And prob put them in the freezer (yum lamb


This is the view out one side of the house, out the other is a big mountain, usually covered in fog
We love living here.

Looking forward to hearing about veining eggs over the next few days, I think I'll wait til Monday before sneaking a peek
Kiwi- Oh my!!!!Breathtaking backyard you have there! I think I will just come to your house for my morning coffee if I ever get to your neck of the woods!
Then you can teach me to knit!!! I make jewelry we can trade!
If I learn to knit I will get a couple of sheep to live with my goats...
It's funny you are coming into summer, I think we are going out, it was in the 50's here this morning. I have been adjusting my incubator since the temperatures started going down yesterday, it never ends!
. When I finally got it stabilized a couple days ago it was in the 80's, now it is 20 degrees cooler! Good Grief!
I hope these eggs are tough!
My eggs have an odor too, kind of a farmy smell, but if they are really stinky you may have a bad egg, I dont think they normally smell really bad...

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