incubating african eggs - detached air cell (day 30 - they are hatching!!)

And yes! Hatching is VERY stressful.... but well worth it. HOWEVER, I will never set eggs at 5pm again. Seems to guarantee a 3-4am hatching. My next set of eggs I will set (in 2 days) will be at 11pm.
Great news that they're now progressing around the egg and not too long before they start to push the egg open once they're about three quarters around. With the other 2 eggs what stage have they reached when you last checked them?
First egg is over 50% around and starting to press on top.

The eggs that have not pipped? I checked them when they went into lockdown. Both were alive. BYC egg had smidge of shadowing in back of aircell. Ebay egg had pulsing membrane, but no shadow.
By the way, I was planning on putting them in post-hatching brooder with my 2 day old ducklings. However, the one that was mangled is quite the runt, and I expect these goslings to be quite big. Will they all be ok together for 24-48 hours?
Here is a pic of the brooder tank with new babies... taken today. The one in front is the runt.

Hi - they should be ok for 24 hours as it takes a day for the goslings to dry thoroughly and get on their feet. They're rather wobbly for the first day and prone to spraddle leg though towels will help them. The best product I found was silicone matting which is washable. They seem to get great footing on that

Best of luck as you've worked so hard for these babies. You're well ahead of us as we only just had our first African eggs this week
Thanks! They are both on the underside of eggs now. They have inspired the other two to get moving too. And what a set of pipes they have! They are shouting their way into the world!
All very exciting and I'm waiting for the official birth announcement from you
You've done exceptionally well as if I remember corectly these are your first goose eggs
A nice breed to choose too as we really like our Africans. Impressive geese that always look in great feather - I think you'll be very pleased with them

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