incubating african eggs - detached air cell (day 30 - they are hatching!!)

Official Time of Birth for BYC #2: 5:15am MST

Pics to come later

2nd gosling almost there!

I candled my eggs, and while I'm not 100% sure, byc egg does not look too hopeful but I think I see movement in the shadows of air cell. The other ebay egg is still pulsing and has not internally pipped.

Yes, my first goose hatch. Before that, I had my first duck hatch 3 weeks ago, and my 2nd duck hatch 2 days ago.

Thanks for the compliment!! I had an excellent teacher!!
1st baby! Isn't it beautiful?!?!

Celtic, thanks again for great eggs! You are awesome!
Oh fantastic and sincere CONGRATULATIONS

Looks a fine good sized gosling and will soon start to dry out. All looks promising for the next ones to follow. Once these have hatched then you can concentrate on the later 2 but if the shadows are moving then they're still alive and may well surprise you
Thanks!! You wrote an excellent hatching guide, as well as other relevant threads. I could not have done this without your expertise. And to have you online tonight when I was having my anxiety attack was so reassuring. I am very grateful to you!!

2nd baby is ALMOST out!! 3 has begun zipping, 4 has begun enlarging pip... and my eyes must be playing tricks (no sleep last night) but I swear my other ebay egg has started vibrating.
Since the humidity is now over 80%, I decided to do a re-candle of the remaining two eggs. And BOTH are still alive!!
Its all going really well for you and the later 2 will probably just need a little more time. Looking forward to waiting for your announcements for the other babies that are on their way

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