Incubating Coturnix Quail Eggs

Help! I can't seem to keep my humidity under 60. It said to fill only trough 1 with water. So I did. I let it sit for 1 whole day and kept checking and it was at 56. Now I set the eggs and it's at 61% humidity. I can't seem to get it down. Any advice? I just bought a Hova bator 1588
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I just ordered 4 dozen quail eggs and I need to know some info one them. I know that they only take 17 days to hatch, and to stop turning them at 14 days. What about the temp. and humidity?
Incubation of eggs

*Incubation period is 16-17 days but can go as long as 18 days (almost all of mine hatched at 18 i plan my hatches around 18 days just to be safe)

*Turn eggs atleast 3 times a day

*Stop turning atleast 4 days before eggs are due to hatch

*Every quail breeder has their own humidity and temp preferences....I keep the temps in between 99.5F and 101F...however I try to keep it at 99.5 Fas much as I can. (in my new incubator *a cabinet* I now keep it at 100.6 and I still have gorgeous hatches) Humidity I keep in the 40s until the last four days of incubation where i up it to 60%

It's best to have a towel or  a kitchen mat or something similar that the eggs can lay on in the incubator so that when the chicks hatch they dont get their legs stuck in the tiny their feet are so tiny they will fall through.
sorry but I'm new on here and trying to find out about Humidity I have a pro series digital 4025 model with egg Turner how do I get the Humidity level down from 60% I've read the instructions and it doesn't say please help if you can thanks
Remove all the water from the incubator if you have any water in it.

If you do that and you still can't get humidity low enough you can add some rice or silica gel packs. To help absorb moisture

Not sure on that type of incubator are you sure the humidity gauge on it is accurate.

Help! I can't seem to keep my humidity under 60. It said to fill only trough 1 with water. So I did. I let it sit for 1 whole day and kept checking and it was at 56. Now I set the eggs and it's at 61% humidity. I can't seem to get it down. Any advice? I just bought a Hova bator 1588

Relax....I incubate at 60s all through the cycle and have eggs piping as I type this. If your wanting to dry incubate then follow the others advice but you need to mention if you plan on doing a humid or dry incubation.

With that said, I stay around 62-65% and it jumps up every time it rains or it may even go down to 50% (sometimes) so expect the variances.

If you just have to get the humidity down, then that has already been said (how to) so I wont repeat that. But to help pull some moisture out of the air, a dry towel, paper towel, dry sponge....anything dry will absorb some humidity....even opening the door/lid for a minute will do the trick.

Its all good!
I just bought a hovabator genesis 1588 for my quail eggs with automatic turner. Im having an issue with the turner turning to far and it tips my eggs out of the rack and then when it turns back the opposite way the rack crushes the eggs. Has anyone else had a similar issue like this?
Incubation of eggs

*Incubation period is 16-17 days but can go as long as 18 days (almost all of mine hatched at 18 i plan my hatches around 18 days just to be safe)

*Turn eggs atleast 3 times a day

*Stop turning atleast 4 days before eggs are due to hatch

*Every quail breeder has their own humidity and temp preferences....I keep the temps in between 99.5F and 101F...however I try to keep it at 99.5 Fas much as I can. (in my new incubator *a cabinet* I now keep it at 100.6 and I still have gorgeous hatches) Humidity I keep in the 40s until the last four days of incubation where i up it to 60%

It's best to have a towel or  a kitchen mat or something similar that the eggs can lay on in the incubator so that when the chicks hatch they dont get their legs stuck in the tiny their feet are so tiny they will fall through.
I've heard that for the first sixty hours of having the eggs in the incubator you are supposed to leave them alone, as in don't touch or turn them at all. Is that true?
Kind of your preference.

Usually I only don't turn eggs for a couple days if they are shipped.

But I have left them without turning for a couple days. Other times started turner immediatly. Never noticed any difference in hatch rates
Kind of your preference.

Usually I only don't turn eggs for a couple days if they are shipped.

But I have left them without turning for a couple days. Other times started turner immediatly. Never noticed any difference in hatch rates
My eggs aren't being shipped in fact, I'm buying them right now. I think I'll wait 24 hours before I start turning, sound good?

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