Incubating peafowl eggs thread

I might be confused about what you are confused about so lets start from the beginning. You put the egg in an incubator to hatch it. For the first 25 days it is in the incubator truning. At 25 days you stop turning the egg but it stays in the incubator or is placed in the separate hatcher which is an incubator without turners. Once the egg hatches, you let it dry in the hatcher and them it goes into what ever you are going to brood it in. Usually the brooder has a light source for heat. Brooders can range from a cardboard box to an expensive brooding pen system.
No they don't.The objective to having a seperate hatcher has many benefits.I made my own this year because none was suitable for hatching "LIKE" colored peachicks,such as black shoulders which all are yellow once hatched.I have Midnight b/s,Opal b/s,Black Shoulder silver pieds,Purple B/S and India Blue b/s,,so if I have 30 eggs due to hatch and am not physically there to leg band each one as they hatch,I'm guessing until they get a lot older. Hatchers should be run at a higher humidity and the eggs do not,or should not be turned the last 3 days of incubating. this is the diffrence between the two. My homemade hatcher (there is a thread here I started on building it) has 12 seperate compartments in it,so I can keep all "like" eggs together,and once the chicks hatches,they cannot get into another compartment.
I'm looking to order 4 India Blue Silver Pied peafowl hatching eggs and I have no experience with hatching peafowl eggs and I was wondering what temperature do you hatch the eggs at, how often do you turn the eggs, how do you turn the eggs, do you mist them, how long do you keep the eggs in the incubator at what percentage do you keep the humidity at, thank you
If you read threw this thread there is lots of good info on hatching peas and methods folks use, for instance the post 2 above this one has info , guess you missed it.
Contact Frenchblackcopper in the post above he most likely has what you seek

I'm looking to order 4 India Blue Silver Pied peafowl hatching eggs and I have no experience with hatching peafowl eggs and I was wondering what temperature do you hatch the eggs at, how often do you turn the eggs, how do you turn the eggs, do you mist them, how long do you keep the eggs in the incubator at what percentage do you keep the humidity at, thank you

Keep in mind Pied Peafowl do not breed true. So even if both parents are silver pied you still end up with a mix of chicks, most likely 25% white, 25% dark or blue pied, and 50% silver pied. Just so you are aware. When I incubate I set temp at 99.6, humidity at 50-60% for the first 24 days and 90% for the last 3 days during pipping and hatching to keep membranes from drying out and getting sticky, eggs are turned at least 3x daily, no misting needed. Mine hatch in 27 days, on day 24 I move them to a separate hatcher with a much higher 90% humidity. Your local climate can affect what humidity works best for you individually. Hope this helps.
I posted on the hatching egg sight and no response. Gonna try here hope y'all can help. I am on my 29 day and no peep should I be concerned. I have four eggs temp is rite humidity is rite but no peep. I candled can't see anything eggs are FULL. Ty

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