Incubating peafowl eggs


Mar 13, 2022
Hey everyone. I am new to incubating peafowl eggs and I’m looking for any tips and advice I can get. Unfortunately they are shipped eggs so I know it’s going to be a roll of the dice as to if they hatch, but what do I look for? Is it possible for eggs to be developing but not to be able to see veins? My eggs have only been incubating for a few days but I’m super nervous and excited about trying to hatch them out. Thanks for any advice!
Ouch, sorry to hear that you bought late season eggs, I have only had one fertile egg since the beginning of August. I have around 50 eggs out in the pens I am not going to bother with because I know they are all duds. We will collect them and boil them for bird feed.

Eggs in the spring are better but still a crapshoot as they do not travel well, you will hear people say they had great success with shipped eggs but they are not the norm. Large breeders with good reputations do not sell eggs, it is too risky for their reputation.

We do not candle the eggs until after ten days, by then you will see veining and some movement of the embryo. If you see no veining after ten days and they have a yellow clear look to them you can toss them and plan to buy chicks in the spring or summer.
Ouch, sorry to hear that you bought late season eggs, I have only had one fertile egg since the beginning of August. I have around 50 eggs out in the pens I am not going to bother with because I know they are all duds. We will collect them and boil them for bird feed.

Eggs in the spring are better but still a crapshoot as they do not travel well, you will hear people say they had great success with shipped eggs but they are not the norm. Large breeders with good reputations do not sell eggs, it is too risky for their reputation.

We do not candle the eggs until after ten days, by then you will see veining and some movement of the embryo. If you see no veining after ten days and they have a yellow clear look to them you can toss them and plan to buy chicks in the spring or summer.
I played around with trying to hatch them back and forth all season and I guess I decided too late it give it an honest try. I guess if these don’t hatch I’ll look for chicks next spring. I guess I have “incubating fever.” I want to see what I can hatch!! 😂😂 I love watching them hatch and grow up, it’s just so amazing to me!
Keep humidity at 55-60% throughout incubation if doing it artificially. Temp at 100.0F. If you have an auto turner use it and also flip the eggs 180 degrees 1-2x a day. Do not increase humidity the last 3 days just keep it stable. When it comes to candling I've found it varies alot as to when it shows. I've had eggs 5 days old that showed visible signs of growth and I've had others that didn't really show until day 8 or 9. If it's fertile you will see a lima bean looking shadow sitting in the middle of a web of blood vessels. If your candler is really good you might even be able to see the heart beating. I use a handheld flood light when candling.

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