Incubating soon!


7 Years
Nov 22, 2016
Mondovì, Italia
Hello forum,
in about a week I'll start my 2017 incubating eggs! I can't wait and I'm so excited!

I'm planning to incubate 20 eggs, most of them will be of Amrock breed (this is an european breed very similar to Plymouth Rock, you can see it in my avatar), and some eggs will be of Marans, Araucana and Serama too.
I'll start after 7 february, so the chicks will hatch with crescent waxing moon.
I'll keep you posted!
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Will this be your first time incubating?

No, I already hatch eggs in past years, about three times I think. The last one was at least three years ago, then I stopped.
My first time was with Welsummer eggs (I love this breed but it's so hard to find here in Italy).
Yesterday, 8° day, first candling! Two seramas seems not fertile... Other show blood vessels and the dark spot! Only 3 are "doubt" because I cannot see the spiderweb... so I'm really happy! only sorry for Serama... I'll try again to hatch a tiny-hen next time!
I'm back to this forum for an update. My hatching was not a success... only 4 pullets and not of the right breeds. Anyway, this guy who sold me the eggs was a trickster. Very low hatching rate and not the right breeds as declared. I was very sad and disappointed. Money and time wasted for nothing.
Moreover this summer I had some dead hens I don't know why. At the end, now my flock is with only 4 hens: the two amrocks of the avatar, the white and the mixed breed.

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