INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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AWESOME!!! I love boys!!  I have three ya know :lau   love the girls too, but I am not girly so I have some issues with a teenager and wannabeteenager girl

I knew you had a couple but wasn't sure how many. yeah I'm not looking forward to the teenage or wannabeteenage years with my daughter. Right now my son is a huge mommas boy and daughter is a huge daddy's girl. So we will see how these play out.

i work tues-sat 9 (really 830) to 6 (really 630 ish sometimes waaaay later)

I'm scheduled 7-4 but typical is about 6:30-5:00. Don't get free food though. We have a gym on base but it's not adequate for the number that utilize it. Cant complain about the medical though. At least not for now. On that note I'm officially heading home.

Italian huh, I thought my lineage was irish. lol
Dang i need a attitude adjustment dont I?
nope! youd fit in great!



let me know!
I knew you had a couple but wasn't sure how many. yeah I'm not looking forward to the teenage or wannabeteenage years with my daughter. Right now my son is a huge mommas boy and daughter is a huge daddy's girl. So we will see how these play out.
I'm scheduled 7-4 but typical is about 6:30-5:00. Don't get free food though. We have a gym on base but it's not adequate for the number that utilize it. Cant complain about the medical though. At least not for now. On that note I'm officially heading home.

have a great night!!
i'm also not looking forward to teenage female, she's no fun now
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