INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Still air, and I believe the air cells are too small. Should I try to candle and take a picture, even though it's not night yet?

Also, what do y'all use for hygrometers? I need something that's fairly accurate (I will calibrate, don't worry) and not too expensive. Any ideas?
you can candle in a closet or at night, make sure to rotate eggs in the bator when you turn or candle, there are cool/hot spots

I took some of the shell off but left the membrane from where it had started to zip. I can hear it pecking and chirping so I sat it on a wet paper towel and put it back in the incubator. I raised the humidity to about 78 percent.. I wet the membrane but still didn't see the beak. I didn't want to go looking for it. The veins were very small. Almost like hair..
sounds like it is ok, taking a break

OK, so I read through the links that looked helpful (thank you, DwayneNLiz!), and my humidity is too high. I have a Little Giant incubator; anyone know how many trays to fill up until I get a good hygrometer to measure humidity?
i would take out all the water, see where it goes from there, then maybe not even use the rails but maybe a cap or something else

Yes all 20 of them. Last time I saw him I swear he was grinning

"Zooptopia" is a sickeningly sweet movie. It was good, but ... Just made me too emotional.
havent seen it yet, but i cant wait to see the secret lives of pets

Just popping far I have two of three hatched.....Tiny little silkies

A rabbit that wants to be a cop someday, and does it. She moves to Zootopia where predators don't eat prey (no fowl to speak of in the movie). She meets a sly fox, and ends up having to work with him to solve a case. It turns out he is just a misunderstood fox that was traumatized as a child. He is so just so darn sweet and he sticks up for her, saves her life... He is her hero.

Ummm .... my hygrometer is being calibrated now .... I should have done this before, but for some reason I thought that I needed an accurate hygrometer to measure humidity, and I didn't even think to calibrate the one I have.
I feel really really stupid right now.

not being dumb at all, just inexperienced

from the hatching 101 guide
Hatching 101 Guide

Celsius to Fahrenheit (ºC to ºF) conversion calculator click HERE
Thermo/hygro suggestions post #13998

Brinsea Incubator Thermometers click HERE
Strombergs Thermometers click HERE Hygrometers click HERE Digital Thermo/Hygros click Here
Hova-Bator GQF Incubator Thermometer / Hygrometer (Wet Bulb) 3018 post #32892
HEAT SINKS/ Stones/Pebbles ADD THEM TO STYRO! post #43903
Calibration is a MUST: HOW TO CALIBRATE post #9068
So farvits still alive and moving
congrats CH is this the wood duck egg??
Huh. Well, these ones are special! G'night! :eek: You forgot to say "don't let the bedbugs bite!" How could you?!!! Just kidding! Good night! :frow No, no one answered yet, so thank you! I'm sure this is a dumb question, but what is the notes section?
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6 Marans 1 Welsummer 10 Polish 4 Bresse 22 Easter eggers 23 my barnyard mutts So 66 total
thats it?? what about turkeys and gooserz??
Hello all. Here comes another newby! I thought I would try to catch up from the beginning, but you all are just too far ahead of me and I have a question and can use a bit of encouragement. I set 18 Ancona duck eggs in my Incuview on June 8. This is the first time I have tried incubating. So far the temperature is holding steady at 99.5 but I am concerned that the humidity is running too high. I put only about a forth cup water in the outside tray and the added hydrometer is registering as high as 77% except if I open the lid for some reason. I don't know if there is any way to adjust the humidity. We are having rainy, wet, cool weather up here in northwest Washington State, so I wonder if that is part of the problem. Some on the duck forum talk about incubating at like 35% humidity, so I feel really concerned that I may be spoiling this hatch with these high humidities. Any help or thoughts will be so appreciated. Also, I'm still 'old school' where things were spelled out. Can anyone give me a list of all the abbreviations used in the control module? The instruction that came with the Incuview do not give this info.
Good morning, beasy today! 25 family member coming for DD birthday BBQ party!
That's great! Happy birthday to your daughter!!
Good morning Chaos18, motorcyclechick, kwhites634, and everyone else. Shalom [@=/u/296003/Akrnaf2]@Akrnaf2[/@] Welcome [@=/u/136976/JoyAnna]@JoyAnna[/@] [@=/u/220854/DwayneNLiz]@DwayneNLiz[/@]How is the hatch coming? I have not had a chance to check back to the livestream. Mobile page 3739 for those interested has a quote with the link.
it is offline right now :hit
Morning Mike. Came home to five eggs kicked out of nest yesterday. One in the baking sun hot to touch the other four in shade cold. All five have drawn down don't know how long they were out or if the hot one will do anything but I gave them back to one of the hens. We'll see.
:fl good luck!!
That hen that's gone broody is still sitting tight, her wings spread out like a blanket, but I'm wondering if I should take her off the nest long enough to mark the eggs, and risk having her quit, It's been better than 2 days like that,and I haven't been able to catch her off the nest to poop or eat. She "growls" whenever I or another bird get too close,so I doubt she's let another bird lay an egg in her nest to this point. The only other time one of my hens brooded, I didn't think to date any eggs, and she wound up with 12-15 eggs under her, none of which hatched. I thought about putting her in a crate so the others can't get to her, but the only crates I have are too big to fit in the coop. I could crate her under the coop, or in the run, I guess. Any suggestions?
mark them, wear an oven mitt
Duckling woke, jumped (it sounded like) out of bed, opened her door, and called, "baby!" Apparently I'm supposed to soothe her doll when she gets thrown on the floor.
lol, love toddler beds NOT
:lau I was wrong! She wasn't telling me about her doll, she was asking for the TV show! :lau
The frufru was given to me and I'm not one to turn away free coffee. Both my kids drink it straight black as well. This is true. It comes with the territory.
arent they a little young?? never turn away free coffee always drink the free stuff first then your good stuff after
You should have come up with that idea before I finished the black :th
you should have turned your brain on now go make more coffee
Give it up, Bubbles, unless you have a brick to smack him upside the head with. That's the only way he's gonna understand :lau
Thanks Liz!
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