INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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ok, so i have a stupid newby question 

what can i not feed my chickens? (like house hold scrap type stuff) will anything make them sick or die like onions or grapes
:oops:  i've only had chickens for like 6 years lol

Avocado, especially the leaves and the fruit peel, it a
Have a toxin called Percin that is toxic to chickens.
Mine get grapes. :bun

I cut the grapes first, I don't feed them whole.

 I don't feed them hot peppers, some of mine like bell peppers, but not all.  I have one batch that LOVES Captain Crunch.  I don't feed them moldy food.  I've heard celery can be bad, because it's stringy, but what about if it's chopped?

But we give them most everything else.

YOU SHOULD give them hot peppers! I always add extrim hot paprika in their feed! It is one of the grate preventer ( not cureing) of worms and other Pathogens. The active ingredient, Capsaicin, is one of the most potent substance out there! GIVE HOT PEPPERS TO YOUR CHICKEN ON A DAILY BASIS!
I need a good friend local that can bake me fresh sourdough bread, that would solve the sourdough bread issues :lau or find someone to bake it with me :lau I may need hand held. I build them a goat pen they make me bread :yesss:
did you build that all by yourself? Did you use pallets?
yes Pallets but Heavy duty tight board pallets, made for shingles its not finished yet but soon! Any ideas for a goat sign lol HarmonyAnn wants to paint one to hang Same kind is safe and I also used them inside after cleaning them a bit and spraying heavily with lysol and in our lower level and most of my coops made of or have some of them somehow lol and I use skids for all sorta stuff, kids crafts wedding gifts signage and on and on
That poor pheasant! He was realy drunk to get stuck like that on your chimney! :lau ( beutiful kids! )
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x2 You feed coons to your chickens? :lau Ya know, that's a good idea, feeding predators to the chickens! I would feel very smug if I could feed that awful fox to my chickens and then make a hat for myself out his skin
DH2B and I have been joking about the idea of bbqing the fox that has taken nearly a dozen of our flock since he stole our lf slw roo who was heading for the freezer and robbed us if trying our first bird. But I rather like the idea of feeding it to the flock instead lol
Hi Alissa!! Thank you for the kind words for Glory, also BOSS black oil sunflower seeds No I have not, i just winged it with all I had here, seemed to bind well, the cupcakes are not bound tight enough but I think we should have added more oatmeal
Oh no problem, Dear, Glory and I are very close and I'd do anything for her. Oh shoot lol I should have known what boss was lol. I always just say it so I never think about it until someone mentions it. Do you find them hulled or will they break up and be properly digested by the birds when fed in shell? I can't decide.
yes Pallets but Heavy duty tight board pallets, made for shingles its not finished yet but soon! Any ideas for a goat sign lol HarmonyAnn wants to paint one to hang Same kind is safe and I also used them inside after cleaning them a bit and spraying heavily with lysol and in our lower level and most of my coops made of or have some of them somehow lol and I use skids for all sorta stuff, kids crafts wedding gifts signage and on and on
Sally would you please adopt me ;) lol love all these products and your house. Adorable! Hope you don't mind if I borrow some of these ideas?
Dont ask me about genetics lol And you are so addicted I love it!!! you have pics of the newbies? from Jerry, you have to weigh your birds we basically have only As and Bs. As are trouble with fertilization and seizures In Table Top Competition, Traditional Serama are entered in Weight Classes Cocks -Class A, up to 13 ounces -Class B, up to 16 ounces -Class C, up to 19 ounces Hens -Class A, up to 12 ounces -Class B, up to 15 ounces -Class C, up to 17 ounces Below is a group photo of A,B,C Class Champion Cocks at the recent CC

Addicted. Me? Noooo I'm just very good at math ;P Lol it's true I don't think we'll make my 40 bird limit by fall we'll be lucky if we manage to be under 50 but that's really not so terrible I don't think. Especially since some of the birds are temporary for a breeding program and or up for adoption/rehoming/sale. We have two people coming next week for a total of 20 or so chicks and birds leaving. We have multiple cockerals getting closer to their freezer camp day. Speaking of when does everyone suggest processing heritage breed cockerals????? We have some white rocks, a cuckoo Marans, and some mixes and EE approaching 13-14 weeks.
Beautiful pictures! What breed silver appleyards?
Goodbye, people.
MC how many are you doing? Is this your first time? How old are they? Good luck
Speaking of spurs. These are on a hen. She was the last one to go on the burn pile.

i just wanted to know if there were things that were big no-no items lol
Aside from what others have told you, all of which I agree with, basically they can eat things you SHOULD eat. That would be meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc..
You shouldn't eat sugary, salty things and neither should they.

I also saw someone mention cutting grapes first. You should probably chop most fruits, vegetables and meats before serving them.

Chickens will usually avoid things that aren't good for them but not always. I've seen mine eat pokeweed berries, which are toxic but I figure the amount they consume compared to the rest of the diet is insignificant. They've never shown any signs of a problem.

Don't let them eat the dog.
Mine eat predators after I grill them.

I dont feed mine tater skin or onions, thats about it.



Sorry to hear that you lost some chickens.
That's always very sad and frustrating.

You feed coons to your chickens?
Ya know, that's a good idea, feeding predators to the chickens! I would feel very smug if I could feed that awful fox to my chickens and then make a hat for myself out his skin!

No avocados w/ brown seed cover.


I grill them first but yeah they've eaten a lot of them. You know what they say about payback. I've yet to make one but a coonskin cap is on the agenda.

Is it avocados or just the peel? I had avocados last night with some delicious turkey tacos.

yes Pallets but Heavy duty tight board pallets, made for shingles
its not finished yet but soon! Any ideas for a goat sign lol HarmonyAnn wants to paint one to hang

Same kind is safe and I also used them inside after cleaning them a bit and spraying heavily with lysol

and in our lower level

and most of my coops made of or have some of them somehow lol

and I use skids for all sorta stuff, kids crafts wedding gifts signage and on and on




Your place always looks so nice.
I think I have to pick the place up a bit.
I guess you don't have weasels or mink - yet.

Dont ask me about genetics lol

And you are so addicted I love it!!! you have pics of the newbies?

from Jerry, you have to weigh your birds we basically have only As and Bs. As are trouble with fertilization and seizures

In Table Top Competition, Traditional Serama are entered in Weight Classes

-Class A, up to 13 ounces
-Class B, up to 16 ounces
-Class C, up to 19 ounces

-Class A, up to 12 ounces
-Class B, up to 15 ounces
-Class C, up to 17 ounces

Below is a group photo of A,B,C Class Champion Cocks at the recent CC


I know these are champs but can and do you eat birds this size?
I would think it would be hard to gut them.

Hey guys, when I went to check for extra eggs, I found a pullet egg, and an egg was broken with egg on the others. Do they need wiped, washed, or left alone. She is off at the moment. I am not sure if there was a fight or if it is break time. The heat index is in the nineties either way.
You'll have to clean any that are completely covered or they won't breathe. If a third or less albumen is on them they're probably OK.

You need a couple mink traps my friend
I sure do. Is there a trap inside like a rat trap or conibear body trap?
I'm going to make a couple. I've used 4" PVC with a conibear at each end but to no avail. I'm going to get some feeder mice for bait and put them in a cricket cage in the trap.
Any other ideas?

I put a game cam in the coop last night and no mink, just a mouse. I was hoping to catch it's entry point.
I bought those 6 cameras I found on craigslist. They didn't come with SD cards. It was too late by the time I picked them up to buy some. Hopefully I can get some today. I'll put a camera on each trap and each building.

I knew it would sound like that. I mean, there is not a second board on the top of the pen. The pen is just a crate with chicken wire all around it. There are two walls, and the back of it is against a wall as well.
No, I do not have predator attacks around here. Yes, I do have raccoons and such. However, the subject is the roof. There is one board that I will use to slide which ever direction to grab the last of the cockerels when I'm almost done tomorrow. Did that make sense?
I have a board that covers the top. It will allow me to have easier access to the boys. I need a second board because there is an open space. I was thinking about just tying down a tarp for the night. We will see when I get out there.
How can that be?
I read these kind of statements all the time.
If I let my guard down a second, I lose birds.
I was walking out at dusk to lock up a few years ago and it was like a superhighway of raccoons coming down out of the trees and onto the coop roof. I got there just in time.
I was keeping a rooster in a large dog cage for a couple days on my back porch while he was recovering from frostbite . I set him out on the patio right outside my back door cause the weather was pretty nice. I went out to get him just after dark and he had already been pulled through the bars.

You need a large anglers net im telling ya. Catches the rooster in one swoop. No spurs no scratches! Thats how we wrangle the tag team we have.
I have a large animal catch net and a net like you describe as well as a leg hook. I made my first leg hook but then broke down and got a real one.

DH2B and I have been joking about the idea of bbqing the fox that has taken nearly a dozen of our flock since he stole our lf slw roo who was heading for the freezer and robbed us if trying our first bird. But I rather like the idea of feeding it to the flock instead lol
...We have multiple cockerals getting closer to their freezer camp day.

Speaking of when does everyone suggest processing heritage breed cockerals?????

The flies rob me of eating my birds. After the predators kill them, I'm tempted to get some meat off of them because the mink don't eat anything. But by morning the flies have laid eggs all over them.

Process them when you can't put up with the crowing and fighting any more. Depending on the breed and their size, about 16-22 weeks.
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I usually skin them a bit but nothing special like I would if I was going to eat them.
I have a big old stone bbq pit I build a wood fire on and put a grate over it and grill it up till the meat is tender.
I usually skin them a bit but nothing special like I would if I was going to eat them.
I have a big old stone bbq pit I build a wood fire on and put a grate over it and grill it up till the meat is tender.
Interesting. I usually just chuck the bodies in the woods and let nature clean them up.
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