INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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you serious? great, time for them to move outside
NOOOOO!!! Not another outdoor cat!!!
Only bad things can happen when a cat goes outdoors. If not to the cat, then to native wildlife.

I just sent an overnight package for $50

I am not teasing what day is it? how much is express shipping in a day?
Depends on what you're shipping. How heavy is the box? What size? Is it an odd shape? Is it live animals? Do you have an approved shipping container for live animals?
Is it a regional shipment, cross country or international?

Help! Just got home from work and my broody and her eggs are covered in ants!!

What to do?

She hopped off the eggs when I opened the top to check on her, hopefully she hasn't been off much?! Ugh!
Ant bait.

Are these the 2 doz eggs you got in trade the other day. Three weeks already. Wow.
1975 was a good year.
Not so much for me. The year after I got out of the army and had a bunch of crappy $2 an hour jobs.

I dunno, it was a total invasion. Thousands of them! Tomorrow is day 18. I candled them on Saturday and all looked good.
I've never candled an egg under a broody.

Question..... One of the eggs pipped wrong side down, and by the time I found it it had flipped in the egg so its back was toward the pip. It is in the air cell and was tapping at the shell earlier, (it stopped) but I dunno if it has the strength to make another hole.... What do I do?
Sit on your hands. They'll hatch or they won't.

I was thinking make a pip hole so it can breathe, gut tells me not ready, but it'l die soon w/o air

In the last million years, chicks hatched without any help.

Sultan x
Already pipped on the other side, but he rotated and his back is blockin it.
So it isn't a rare breed that needs to be preserved at all cost.
I'm not hands off, so I'm okay with opening..... My concern is slipping and hurting the chick or making a too-big hole, or meddling too much.... GAH.

@Sally Sunshine - Thoughts?
My thought is that if a chick is too weak to hatch on its own and needs to be sprung, its offspring may also not be able to hatch on their own.
Just sayin'.

I know few care, but for those that kinda do, Duckling baked sugar cookies today, and peed in the potty!

Knew a guy that taught his son to pee in living room trash rather than walk down the hall (it was about ten steps). My brother pooped in the trash at around seven. Never knew why.
The junkies in the army pooped in the sinks and vomited in the showers. Sadly, my barracks duty was cleaning latrines. The morning cleaning after a holiday weekend was absolutely disgusting.

Been fishing with my grandson a bunch lately......we've been doing pretty good with eating size walleyes.
I was determined to find them and catch them on artifical lures only this summer....and I did....I wish they were bigger but I'm not gonna complain....besides as Autumn rolls in the bigger ones will feed.

Dang I can't wait for the ice to form
That's awesome. Enjoy every minute.
Shouldn't be long before you get some ice.
How big do walleye need to be for legal size there?
In MO, the length limit is 18" for all instate lakes and streams. There's no limit in the Missouri or Mississippi rivers.

still gonna build another coop after that. Trying to make sure we keep all our hatches and even out the hatches so our roos don't get too overwhelmed with hens. So far it's balanced out nicely, but you never know what will hatch out next.
I've never heard of that. There should be about 10-12 hens per cock.

Update for anyone up at this insane hour: I'm fairly sure I counted 6 chicks in there!!

Well, it could have been 6 voles for all I know. I was mostly asleep.
Mice maybe?
I just checked the five eggs due in 32 hours. No cracks yet. I turned the rest and will keep turning till I get a pip.
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Quote: I missed out on those times. One grandfather died when I was a young sprout barely out of the ground. The other farmed 120 acres 750 miles away. Only time I was ever around him it was for only for a few days at a time. I did get to stay a couple weeks with him one year; I believe we hit every sale barn in IL, & he knew someone at every one of them! Clinton, Montecello, Farmer City, we hit 'em all.
Something went wrong with my hatch, one zipped so far then died, temp was 100 and humidity was 65, so that was fine, idk. I opened the egg anyway and it didn't have defects and nothing looked wrong. I have 7 more and hopefully they go much better or this may be my one and only time incubating eggs!
:fl good luck on the others sorry :hugs
Something went wrong with my hatch, one zipped so far then died, temp was 100 and humidity was 65, so that was fine, idk. I opened the egg anyway and it didn't have defects and nothing looked wrong. I have 7 more and hopefully they go much better or this may be my one and only time incubating eggs!
A, it happens. B, I am sure it will go better.
Sometimes they have a weak heart.


The junkies in the army pooped in the sinks and vomited in the showers. Sadly, my barracks duty was cleaning latrines. The morning cleaning after a holiday weekend was absolutely disgusting.
I can feel your pain.
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Something went wrong with my hatch, one zipped so far then died, temp was 100 and humidity was 65, so that was fine, idk. I opened the egg anyway and it didn't have defects and nothing looked wrong. I have 7 more and hopefully they go much better or this may be my one and only time incubating eggs!

Sorry to hear that. Good luck with the rest.
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