INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Do you know how long I's have to cook a rooster that old?

You won't cook them like a 6 week old Cornish X.
Soup or low and slow in a smoker all day.
What is the square root of seven?
That's not a human question.

Ok,if u had a daughter that was thirteen what is the oldest guy u would let her date if u new he was a great guy and would treat her nice and would do anything disrespectfull
When I had a daughter that was thirteen, which was eighteen years ago, she was not allowed to 'date'.
That's how fourteen year old mothers are made.
If I went brain dead long enough to let it happen, the oldest would probably be 13. But I don't lose my senses that long.
Where would be my guarantee that he would not do anything 'disrespectful'? There isn't one. Hence, no dating.

While laying in my bed, I had a thought. Well, I had many. Those leaf pick up glove scoopy thingies would work well for cleaning the coop!
For most of it but you'd still need to get out the dustpan or shovel and broom.

Help..... Someone.... I'm getting twitchy!! I havent had eggs in the bator for 12 hours!
Start collecting. I'm going to be setting around noon tomorrow for the Zodiac HAL. Join me.
They would then hatch September 16 under a waxing moon in the fruitful sign of Pisces.

so you really think it is a baby one? I really wish I knew where to ask!! would be cool to know!
Don't you have a university nearby?

I want a yak!
Or is that a Scottish Highland cow?

AGREE!!!! My Daughter will have no boyfriend until sixteen AT LEAST!! Not an option, and dont care what other kids are allowed and if I am old school. My stepdaughter came home with a hickie at age 14 and it was laughed at, I was furious and I am not the true parent! I am mean my kids tell me now, just wait until they are older!


Good morning all
My Libyan style Turkish afternoon coffee!

Even though I quit coffee, I'd have one of those with you in the afternoon.

How do you like your dual coffee maker?
Ours is a Hamilton Beach with the single on the left and pot on the right but basically the same thing. It works well.

Overhangs help with water splash back and keep the water off the side of the building and keep it from rotting out and (if it were on a slab) keep it from undermining said slab and washing away the earth and affecting grade
That's what I was thinking.
In the tropics, they have no guttering and the bottoms of the white concrete walls are always a grungy brown/black.
No matter how clean it is, it always looks dirty.

I think its part of the coddling parents do now a days. I can coddle but most times its not all sugar!! I could care less how upset my kids get at me, they dont have to like me all the time.

I am!!
When my daughter would get snooty, I reminded her that everything she had was mine. If she wanted to keep what she had, she didn't have to like me, but she had to ACT like she liked me.

Sally I agree with you completely! 16 is a good age to stsrt dating.
I NEVER let the sentence " but dad all the other kids can do/ have ..ect.ect" even bother me! I see at myself as a leader in the life of my kids, that Paves the way and not as someone that drag after the crowds! And my kids know that is somthing is wrong by my values and my educational way I will never agree to give up. And I know that I'm doing right is the fact that a lot of my oldest son parents consult with me about their kids doings.
My mother always asked me, "if all the other kids were jumping off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff?"

When my kids were small, I got a good education supervising teenagers with the International Education Forum. I oversaw kids from all over the planet. I had to learn fast.

Some, yes.

He wanted me to drink cow pee!
When my wife's younger brother had bad acne, she read that a remedy was to wash one's face with baby pee. She offered him some of the babies diapers.

As you must know, I have a ton of misspellings, and because I am using a tablet, and I am 50, and wear multifocal glass, and the keyboard is small, I notice the mistake ONLY after I posted, this is the reason for the editing.
I can't do small keyboards. Many of my posts have edits.

Hmmm... I think 13 is too young to be dating, especially with an older boy.

If it was an older boy, one of us would be going to jail.

Gotta get them started early. Hey at least he knows they are food even if they have names and knows where that food comes from.
My son is a chef and I haven't gotten him to butcher one, YET.

One of the families in our chicken group has about 9 kids. Of the two older girls, one is the gardener and the other the poultry keeper. The family attended one of my processing classes. The poultry keeper now slaughters her chickens and 2 of the younger kids pluck them. The father won't do it even though he's a homesteader type.

Chicks or ducklings that just up and die from something that isn't me just get bagged and put in the trash.
They go in my compost pile.

From what I remember about my youth is that 16 to 17 year old boys are young men, and 12 to 13 year old girls are still children.

That's about right.
I think my daughter was about 15 when we were staying in a house on Tankah Bay in the Yucatan. There were a bunch of older guys at the hotel up the beach that invited her to go on nighttime bus trip to Playa del Carmen. She was livid when I told her she wasn't going. I had to make her understand that she may never return.

We have so many chickens buried out back its not funny
They disintegrate pretty fast in a hot compost pile.

They are ducks OR hens.
Are you suure? I know it will be easier to be able to call them hens, but I don't think it is proper. I think people just do that because it's too confusing.
Now I'm confused.
They are commonly called ducks but in the science of ornithology, they are hens.
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My son is a chef and I haven't gotten him to butcher one, YET.

One of the families in our chicken group has about 9 kids. Of the two older girls, one is the gardener and the other the poultry keeper. The family attended one of my processing classes. The poultry keeper now slaughters her chickens and 2 of the younger kids pluck them. The father won't do it even though he's a homesteader type.

They go in my compost pile.
My son and daughter watch everything, they are 6 and 2. My wife will help with the plucking and will do something with the birds after they are all cleaned and gutted. I do all the other stuff with them.

If I had a compost pile I would throw the bodies in it.

I had a different visual! I do enjoy watching the 16 year old boy next door riding his dirt bike instead of walking around looking at his phone.

Well that too.
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Quote: Hitting on 13 year old girls 'cause they figured they wouldn't stand a chance with girls their own age unless they were jocks
It must suck being the average 16 year old boy.

It was, partly 'cause I didn't have a set of cool wheels...heck, I didn't have any wheels, and refused to ask my folks to drag me around.
Late to the party, but I'll contribute. When I was 14 one of the guys from my church wanted to date. My parents staunchly refused a dating relationship, but they let him come over to have supper and play video games.

ALSO when I was 13 I was still reading books about pony clubs and playing with my barbies. I agree that 13 is pretty young, whether girl or boy.
People didn't date when I was 13. It doesn't matter what century it is. 13 is still 13.

Exactly! And what were 16-17 year old boys doing?

or what would they be doing with a 13 year old girl?

Hitting on 13 year old girls 'cause they figured they wouldn't stand a chance with girls their own age unless they were jocks

It must suck being the average 16 year old boy.

It isn't as bad as when I was a 16 year old boy.
My son and I both went to all boy's schools. In fact my sisters, brother and daughter were all single sex school educated.
My son had way more girlfriends than I at the same age, thanks to social media.

My son and daughter watch everything, they are 6 and 2. My wife will help with the plucking and will do something with the birds after they are all cleaned and gutted. I do all the other stuff with them.

If I had a compost pile I would throw the bodies in it.

My wife won't help with anything, not even boiling water for the pluck.

The big part of my compost piles is from mucking out coops.
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Quote: I had a different visual! I do enjoy watching the 16 year old boy next door riding his dirt bike instead of walking around looking at his phone.

At 16 I lived on a baseball field, and was pretty good at it if I do say so myself
I'd be happy to see that... his sisters do nothing but text on their phones.

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