INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have a separate article made, a backup on my computer, and another in google docs- Am I that bad??
and any of y'all who can answer:
My neighbor has a hen that received injuries from a dog. She does not have any large flesh or (from what I can tell) internal injuries, but her foot appears to be broken- Swollen around the centre and she will not put any weight on it, instead using her wing to hop around.
I cleaned her up, splinted and wrapped her leg, and made her as comfortable as possible. We'd like to give saving her a try, as she is their favourite hen. She eats and drinks well and does not appear to be in shock which leads me to believe she has a fighting chance.... Anything else I can do for her?
Somewhere in my travels around the internet I saw Aspirin can be used for a pain reliever in chickens. Is this true? If so, what dosage and how is it delivered? Thanks.....

What bone is broken?

The way to use the aspirin is to dissolve it in some water and get a syringe or a dropper and give it to the chicken like that
batty the foot is not broken it just really bruised

Maybe so. But she is still in pain and she still needs to have her foot immobilized- It clearly causes pain when she moves it.

I just finished treating a little rooster that had a broken lower leg and gave no medicine even though I have liquid Meloxicam for birds. Tell me what bone and show me how you wrapped it.

What bone is broken? -Kathy
Don't know, can't get x-rays.... The circled part is where the swelling is.
That might be a hard one to splint if the joint is involved. They say that in animals that you should immobilize the joints above and below the fracture. How old is it, and how much does it weigh? -Kathy
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