INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hes the one she wants watched!
I noticed the same things with the first chickens I ever had.  They stopped laying, then they slowed down, then they stopped interacting with the other chickens, then it looked like they died while taking a dirt bath.  I'm sorry she is fading.  I think I'd rather fade away like she is, than get eaten by a cayote....

Thats word for word what she is doing.... I agree, much nicer to die in your sleep! She is actually the only one left from her original flock.
Whew!!! You had me worried for a moment!  :barnie

Not that I'm not worried about your Emma, because I'm not... err... because I am, but the last thing we were discussing was "where's Sally". Then that comment popped up! Freakyyyyyyy!!!   

I hope Emma will recover...   :fl

I hope she gets perkier too.... Not in pain, and still the alpha, but I see her doing the chicken equivilant of sitting in her rocker in the sunshine.
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