INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Preoering ouer SHABAT meal
You missed your calling, friend; you should have been a chef :bow
Preoering ouer SHABAT meal
You missed your calling, friend; you should have been a chef :bow
Either that or a food photographer for advertising.
My friends, I am in the correct place for me! In what other occupation you have almost 4 months of vacation every year? Do any one in this thread had 70 dayes of undesrupt vaction every year for the last 26 years? I have many hobbies and I love to be involved in my children life! And this occupation give me the time for that. Think about it!!
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My friends, I am in the correct place for me!
In what other occupation you have almost 4 months of vacation every year? Do any one in this thread had 70 dayes of undesrupt vaction every year for the last 26 years? I have many hobbies and I love to be involved in my children life! And this occupation guve me the time for it! Think about it!!
Good point!
Awesome!! if that was mine without a baffle on it I would place it so that the air blows to the top of the bator and spreads outward, so THAT ITS NOT BLOWING DIRECTLY DOWN ON EGGS but upwards to blow up and then it will flow out to the heating elements.... so place upsidedown with plenty of shims/distance between the lid and fan.


Sally, doing well. Will try to get some decent pics of some Muscovy eggs today, might also be able to get a picture of an infertile egg.

Three batches of Muscovy eggs...
11 in the RCOM
8 or so under a chocolate
12 ish under the barred chocolate


@Sally Sunshine

They are on day 7 now, I think I will turn the so their overnights are with the gap down or to the side. I plan on hatching them upright instead of horizontal.

on day 10 I will open the clears to see if they were quitters or infertile.
sounds like the best you can do!

Hi All, I've fallen behind...again
I'll try to catch up later but I just wanted to share that I started another batch of blue/partridge brahmas last night. Hatch day should be Feb. 4 or 5th. Pretty excited. I am also looking into breeding orpingtons
ps working on your email sweets give me time to get through a bit of things @Hawk12

see above'
My friends, I am in the correct place for me!
In what other occupation you have almost 4 months of vacation every year? Do any one in this thread had 70 dayes of undesrupt vaction every year for the last 26 years? I have many hobbies and I love to be involved in my children life! And this occupation give me the time for that.
Think about it!!
you have amazing profession Benny! and thank goodness for my Benny!!!
Sally, doing well. Will try to get some decent pics of some Muscovy eggs today, might also be able to get a picture of an infertile egg.

Three batches of Muscovy eggs...
11 in the RCOM
8 or so under a chocolate
12 ish under the barred chocolate

I need muscovys.

They're harder to incubate than chicken eggs.

Sally, doing well. Will try to get some decent pics of some Muscovy eggs today, might also be able to get a picture of an infertile egg.

Three batches of Muscovy eggs...
11 in the RCOM
8 or so under a chocolate
12 ish under the barred chocolate

I need muscovys.

They're harder to incubate than chicken eggs.


CONGRATULATION on your well deserved badges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy You are a real educator!
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