INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Intel Cpu Heatsink/fan e97378-001 4-Pin, 95 CFM

LOL no wonder you need humidity benny!
this is what is in my coolers

big cabinet has two of these....


What is there to handle>?
I had both extremes. the cheapest 4" I could find for the hatcher and the dust overwhelmed them after about 18 months. I then bought the highest 4" CFM I could find. They were so powerful, I didn't have a power supply large enough to run 4 of them. I split them and run 2 at a time with a toggle switch.

I am making a coolerbator for @sarasweatman as a gift because she is a friend and also very giving and kind. And would love her to have more bator space and a good steady incubation.....

I have ordered (I am making two of the same, keeping one as an extra)
Coleman 52-Quart Extreme Cooler, Blue

I CHOSE THIS COOLER BECAUSE I made a CHEAP cooler bator and I dont like its insulating factor so I will pay just a few more bucks to have a well insulated cooler like this one......
4.5 stars
14 reviews
By: Coleman
Walmart #: 552035097

Would that be big enough to hold a Hovabator turner?
I want to make one for the Old Folks Home behind my house and I don't want to trust them with hand turning.

I'll have to look for one at a flea market or craigslist since I refuse to give Walmart any money.

Yer so sweet fer that.

Let me know own how those controllers hold up
I wanted to use one but wasn't sure of the longevity

I've had good luck with them. There is a slightly cheaper version
that doesn't have as precise control I used in the hatcher but I'm replacing it with another STC-1000 and use the old one in a brooder.

I've used a couple similar to the following shipped from Bulgaria that worked precisely but they didn't last more than a year or so.

I haven't used this one but it does have a digital display

I may try this one that ships from the US.

CC if you could filmed the action it will be grate!
That would be great but hawks usually avoid the place now so I haven't seen the activity in a long time.
I occasionally carry a camera but it would have to be someone that can dedicate weeks to laying around watching for an attack.

Gamebirds are good for this too. There's a few pictures floating around the internet. My jjkelso likes to chase coyotes.
I'm sure you're right. I thought of that but I haven't raised them. So I didn't recommend since I didn't know how well they play with other chickens. I guess Shamo and Malay may fit the category of not playing well with others.
Of course!  The liquor stores about in the same shape, I guess.
I saw a bit during that big snow 2 weeks ago about all the babies that get born 9 months after a big storm like that!  Lots to be said for that!
gotta stay warm somehow ;)
One kid born beginning of Aug. one due at the end of Aug.(2 yrs apart) Do the math. Lol
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I went looking for my bag of the new sponges, and found a box of swiffer cloths ( this was very exciting to me
She may not be any good with a broom, but she knows how to use a swiffer mop!!
did my morning go through? :hugs
No it didnt
At least I didn't see it after hitting the refresh a few times
:duc brrrr is right phil!! 

yes most people dont research accuracy before they purchase. 

what are the dimensions of the cooler?   and can you make the tray level up the inside to hold the eggs? @attimus
  sorry I felt really bad loosig connection  I am still only at 54% so I could go out again.
No, it didn't make the news here. The only channels of the "big 4" are out of D.C., and they're all busy getting excited over 2-3". First sign of a flake & all the other flakes head for the nearest ditch :lau   Two days b4 yesterday's snow the grocery stores were wall-to-wall shoppers, all in panic mode. It's hilarious  :lau :he
we just go out in the crap and buy our booze and cigs. No Fear...
...yes Sally I have a heated waterbed and a wife who knows how to use it...;)
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