INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: Your first message said possibly lower & candle at day 10. After lots of searching & pulling out my hair cut I'm horrible at math. I've finally figured out that my eggs that I've calculated so far are running 1 to 1 1/2 grams underweight for day 7. So that says I need to bump humidity just a smidge correct
I dont weigh, I watch air cells. like I said about seeing sideways, its hard from top view and even side to get full size from images. I would NOT bump too much perhaps up to 30-35 and just keep an eye on them. again its best to keep a close eye and loose throughout than to wait until the last minute, so after day 7 candle tops anytime to just keep watching them. soon you will learn what they should look like all through 7 to 18 not just 7 14 18

Night and Sweet Dreams whites!

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night everyone this chick is tired! catch ya tomorrow!!!
Hope u don't mind Sally but does anyone have any silkies forsale even chicks older silkies that don't lay as much or hatching eggs near McVeytown mourn Union or Lewistown please pm if if u have any thanks

Sorry I've tried several times to load more pics from my fishing trip tonight data is out and can't.....we caught several walleye too. Mostly small ones though....but I did get a real nice eater......the pike dad pretty nice too....the it back though didn't need any more fish.....gave the walleye to my fishing partner...

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Lower humidity more? Was only running 25%. I calibrated the humidity thingy twice so I know its correct. The eggs are day 7. The few days I stored these eggs for this set I had a humidifier running to keep humidity at around 40-50% in the room I was keeping them.

[@=/u/162672/Sally-Sunshine]@@Sally Sunshine[/@]

No!!!  dont go lower!  candle again at day 10 

Your first message said possibly lower

I dont weigh, I watch air cells.  like I said about seeing sideways, its hard from top view and even side to get full size from images.  I would NOT bump too much perhaps up to 30-35 and just keep an eye on them. again its best to keep a close eye and loose throughout than to wait until the last minute, so after day 7 candle tops anytime to just keep watching them.  soon you will learn what they should look like all through 7 to 18   not just 7 14 18 
Ok Hun, thanks :hugs
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