INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Ehhh you had to bring that nightmare up. Been trying to ignore it thinking it would go away. Yeah I got them but haven't messed with it anymore. Maybe tonight but not likely. Prbly wind up being tomorrow before I get back to work on it.
Did you at least put the parts close to it and hope it would fix itself?
Idk. I'm sure someone.
What happened with the bator then?
You mean that my husband has been gone for a year because he's procrastinating taking out the trash?
I actually believe that!
Are you saying that I did offend you, or you want me to offend you? I will happily sexually harass you.

Well if you did offend somebody than tell them to get over it. Is it still sexual harassment if he likes it?
eeeeepp... I hear chirping from incubator #2 Yayyy... Yesterday was day 21 but I had a hard time getting my still air to stay up at the still air recommended temps so expected late hatch (my circulated air incubator hatched on hatch day like good little chickies!)... Anyway I just had to share my excitement to discover there are some chicks in there thinking about hatching!! :)
The brooder is cleaned out, though not wiped out. The feeders and waterers still need cleaned as well. The bedding is bagged up, and that is the important part.
The dishes I bought a few days ago have been washed, and I have started some laundry.
I am running out of plates because Duckling and I keep breaking them. She tries to help by putting dishes in the sink. Being a midget, she has to put them on the counter, then shove them in. I have broken a few when they slip out of my hand while I trip over one of her toys. The new ones are the four packs from Walmart that cost $.88 Service for 8 for only $5! They did not have the small plates, but I will get some of those too.
I was trying to get stuff done, but heard a loud racket outside. Apparently, the people behind me got some guineas. They had wandered over to my yard, and were trying to get into my coop. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that everyone's birds want inside my coop? I don't mean bio security, I mean am I doing something wrong or something right that they prefer my coop?
Sounds like you're doing something right if they all want to hang out at your place.
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