INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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If you want us to help you, you need to talk to us, instead of popping in and then disappearing for half an hour; some of us have to go to bed once in a while.
I've been crazy busy. My sister just had her second child her first just turned a year old in October. She had a c-section and it was a little hard on her and her husband had to go back to work so I am taking care of all of them for now so not much time to be online I usually hit the ground running in the morning anymore, no time to even have a cup of coffee before I get to her house but I do try to read all the post every day I like to see how everyone is doing and have a few laughs before I drift off to sleep at night.
are you saying we make you laugh?
awwwww at least say hello before you hit the sack!!
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