INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: yay I am really working on getting that organized, but it takes me more time than I want but I got a few categories from the top today

CHICKEN HAWK I meant a pic in the bator, where you had it setting???????

Quote: all gone, yer slow!

Here is a duckling that I thought was at high risk for yolk sac infection, so I dipped it's umbilicus in chlorhexidine and gave it Baytril.

Here is the same duckling two days later:

Maybe it would have been fine without treatment, but maybe not.

sweet!! how much does that stuff cost Kat? an estimate if you know it, no need to go run and see... just curious and too many tabs open to get into more stuff at the moment @

Sad consensus- break the neck, or bonk the back of the head (neighbors idea)...?
put in trash bag chop off head on a stump, throw head in bag knot it and done
Gloves are a must for me whenever anything that could be described as goo is involved. I have texture issues.....

Stupid shipped eggs indeed. Here's to hoping little solo eggie makes it. If not I'm thinking of ordering eggs or chicks from Soggy Bottom Bantams.

That's an adorable farm name
And if your thinkin' it. You should do it! Always.
Quote: oh no!!! I am so sorry!! I never had this so i am not educated on it. @casportpony do you know any info on this?
Quote: what dont you like about the wafer? you have pics of the inside of your cooler to share? I have them in all of mine and even if I dont shut the lid correctly they hold temps! I am posting my cooler soon cause I just added more serama eggs

Good afternoon! Day 25 and our first light Sussex hatched under mama hen early this morning in her nesting box and another is starting to pip. The nesting box is 12x12 how long can I leave mama and chick out there before bringing them into the chick brooder? Somewhere I think I read 24 or 48 hrs..
finally!! if she is doing good with them leave them a day. I wouldnt go longer


Happy Sunday folks! Made a quick supply trip to Walmart, got some ranch dressing mix and incense cones. Chickies and dogs are still fine, cousins are taking good care of them. I need to take inventory before we leave next Sunday, make sure that we know what we had in case the TSA takes my stuff again!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
incense and ranch!
what a trip!! no really!!!

I am so sad. One of the 2 developing Phoenix chicks has died. Must've happened early this morning.... But the chick isn't moving and the blood ring has started to form. It was the one that was looking the strongest too. Ugh.....
oh no saris!! I am so sorry!! awwwwww dang!!! stupid shipped eggs!!

I broke open the shipped eggs, found signs of development in two other eggs, signs of fertility in another 2 eggs, and I am unsure of the other 4. One was too scrambled to see any thing. Thought in these three?

nice gloves! thought I was watching CSI egg addition

I have a chick with bright red umbilical cord attached to shell, unclosed abdomen. Chance of survival and what to do??
what do you define as unclosed abdomen? I would need to see this, are you sure its not just the umbilical strands?

Quote: for standard size hatching eggs you want it low at 31% and Mike has given you the links I would LOVE for you to read before its too late!

Quote: no thats too high unless you have small bantam or serama eggs in!

My humidity was still at 10% even with the bottle top witch equalled the same amount as half a plastic egg.

got a pic of this thing you made? surface area is what gives humidity not depth of the dish

When using the regular egg size egg-o-meter with small Silkie eggs in a still air incubator .... do i need to adjust temp. up because bigger egg sits higher up in warmer air? i feel i should be running it on 100.5.... ???
@LittleRedCoop53 I have not used it, I have found these for you if you had not run into them.

The temperature sensor is embedded inside a synthetic egg which more accurately resembles the thermal mass of the eggs you are incubating.

Awwwwesooommmmme...! These will go great with my champagne-vodka-culling-a-girl-for-the-first-time cocktail.

is that bottle empty ?

Okay...the EGG O METER is reading 99.5 to 100.5 in my still air bator that means the internal temp....i don't want it up to 102 because that would fry them correct ......?
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