INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Benny, you hold her down, I'll get the syringe prepared. Quick, before someone else posts more widdle duckie wuckie photos!!!! :lau
it sounds like you had quite a day. Me too so I fell asleep in my chair and am dragging myself to bed. While you build one, I have to scrub and spray down coops tomorrow and then I can move the chicks out of my house and into the main coop!!!! The two boys will go into my little tractor that is for broody and babies or grow out to finish their Quarantine. It is on the other side of the barn from the rest so I can do it last and keep myself separate. Then I can start on my new and breeding coops:(

Have a good night and sleep well everybody. When you rise Benny have a good morning.
@Sally Sunshine wanted to share this with you. Had 4 eggs go in to lock down Tue evening. Figured I would save myself some clean up and put a puppy pad in the bottom of my DIY bator, that i'm now using for hatching. Put my drawer liner on top of pad and added my dishes with sponges. Got it all heated up and the 4 eggs in and the humidity started dropping after awhile. My dishes were full, even with the top of the sponges so i didn't want to add more to those to avoid drowning babies. I just started dribbling water in thru a vent in the top on to the drawer liner and in to the puppy pad. OH MY GOSH those are the bomb ! They collect the water and it spreads out and the humidity goes right up where it needs to be. No worries about drowning or opening the bator or anything. The pads that were suggested before were pretty good but they pull the water deep and you only get the moisture off the top. The puppy pads are thin so you get more humidity from the water spreading out. And how much easier can it be than to just dribble some warm water anywhere into the bator if u have a pad on the bottom ? Worked GREAT for me so i had to share.
HELP! My cat just grabbed a chick from under the door! Gashed her skin open about the size of a quarter! What do I do!?! She is 4 weeks old and super sweet!! :(

Wash the woound wite soap and warm water, disinfect with iodine, or somthing elss, spred some antibiotic ointment, cover the woound wite some gauze repet for 3 dayes and another 3-4 dayes without covering and without the antibiotic. If you see singes of infection, puss, liquid oouzing, bad smell she will need some orally antibiotic treatment.
Look at the base of that bill & tell me it doesn't look exactly like a cat's face; 2 ears, 2 eyes, a white stripe between the eyes, even a white chest.  And no, I ain't been drinking, regardless of what Sally's saying!  :lau
the bills are all dogs heads, white, always dogs heads. I was told long ago and it's something I cant unsee. Seriously it's a thing, just give it a Lougle :)
Is this an abnormal hatch? This is the last one to hatch and its having a hard time, trying and peeping, i don't know what to do!
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