INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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It's a subject I'm quite passionate about, lol. Do you know how many people have killed their birds because they thought ivermectin in the water was an acceptable way to worm? Same with the 3cc Safeguard in the water, and the "pea sized" paste one. These misinformations are all over the web, including places like the breed associations. Sigh...

Yes there is a lot of misinformation out there that has killed way to many birds.
Afternoon everyone! All of my chicks have been picked up and are at their new homes, Feels a little lonely. Haha.

I started keeping track of how many/what size eggs each of my girls were laying each week and so today I decided to crunch some of the numbers. Here they are!

Sexy (Production Red - 2yo)
Average Eggs per Week:6.75
Average Size: Extra Jumbo

Girlfeather (Easter Egger - <1yo)
Average Eggs per Week: 6.125
Average Size: Small (large end of the chart)

Greyling (Easter Egger - <1yo)
Average Eggs per Week: 5.75
Average Size: Medium (small end of the chart)

I'm hoping the 'G' girls increase in size, but I am happy with their lay rate. obviously Sexy is a beast chicken and I couldn't be happier with her production rate and size! She is a very friendly bird too. It doesn't really get better than that! Anyway hope you enjoyed!
You shouldn't run out of eggs anytime soon. If you have a rooster, you might want to talk all the neighbors into buying 'bators
You shouldn't run out of eggs anytime soon. If you have a rooster, you might want to talk all the neighbors into buying 'bators
Haha, with a family of 4 we don't run out, but there never is any surplus either! We have a yound rooster (hatched newyears from sally's mix eggs) but he is not doing anything yet, which is good because we are in a city that doesn't allow roo's. All my hatching eggs are coming from my pop's now that he has a new rooster. He's asked to have my roo once he starts crowing, but I'm hoping to get a few fertile eggs from my girls before we have to kick him out! Lol. They would be barnyard mixes for sure!
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/1046313/incubating-w-friends-come-hatch-learn-chat-meet-new-friends/76240#post_16770140 layout=inline]Morning Kathy[/CONTENTEMBED]



Now he keeping both eyes closed.

Is it cold being out of the brooder.
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