INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I sent in NPIP paperwork today!

Can you please explain me what IS the importance of NPIP to you?

And what its mean in fact?

Does it mean That a govermant inspector will visit your flock and check fir Salmonela?

:frow    each state has its own import export requirements, All require NPIP for live birds, hatching eggs varies state by state but most require NPIP certification some require AI testing and so forth, States require inspections of premises to be sure your doing what you can to keep your birds free from illness.  Testing also needs to be done on each Bird in the flock, in PA there are tests you can take to become a Certified Poultry Tech for the state, therefor the state can call on you for testing, you can test other flocks for a fee, and also draw labs from your own flock.  I am State of PA Cert. Poultry Technician   but the liability is high to test other flocks so I only do my own.

Shalom Sally and thanks!
That's awesome. I've not started any eggs lately one pullet is laying a rough egg and I'm waiting till they are a little older.
Are the eggs yours or shipped?
The Bieles are shipped from Papa Brooder, the Ameraucana are local pick up from Pips&Peeps
Can you check its eye pupil, and see if you can see iregulatory in its outlines? I think that they are to young for MD, they are 10 dayes old, aren't day?

Yeah, they are too young - ~1-1/2 weeks old. I have a Cream Legbar pullet (technically she'll be a hen in a couple weeks) with ocular Mareks, so unfortunately, I know what that is supposed to look like (though for now she's alive and ok and laying). One of her "sisters" died of Mareks. The remaining third one is ok so far, and I'm using her as the mother of future pure CLs, since she's been the strongest. I'm watching all the babies like a hawk - though I bet they were all born with decent natural immunity (at least for a while) because I understand that while Mareks is not transmitted in the egg, maternal antibodies are. So we'll see how the intersection of all that goes - I'm hatching out more of my CLs than I normally would because of the need to ensure that the most healthy and resistant ones are keepers/breeders. 

- Ant Farm 

The hen with ocular Marek's, can you post some pictures of her eyes?

Help,please breed/gender.
there small, like bantams
Anybody know anyone that is going to be at the Uniontown PA sale next weekend? I'm just going to browse(and maybe buy lol) this year but I might show next year.
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