Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Pic of my babies
New one of Solo
I have enjoyed reading this thread!

Our 8 month old female Muscovy (Zippy) has started laying. She lives with 10 chickens (no roosters) and a 6 month old male Muscovy (Claude). They've definitely mated!

We've been removing her daily eggs and putting them in a styrofoam incubator. So far, we have nine eggs. I weigh each one before I put it in the incubator, and the first egg, which was the smallest, weighed 62 grams. The largest weighed 77.8g, but they generally have weighed between 72-76g.

I watched a youtube video suggesting turning only ONCE a day and keeping humidity levels - at this stage - lower. We are turning every morning, keeping the temperature at 99.5, and the humidity between 20-35%.

I've candled, but not sure anything looks good. Some look completely clear, and others look cloudy, but I don't see veins anywhere (although I am not sure I really know what I am looking for!). However, we DO have pet birds, and have hand raised parakeets successfully before; this is our first time using an incubator, and I understand that Muscovies are notoriously difficult to hatch from an incubator.

Can someone explain to me, please, the "mist and cool" process? Cool for how long, and to what temperature? Since they are all at different stages (being set from 1-9 days), how do you cool just the "older" ones - remove from incubator?

I'd sincerely appreciate any other suggestions and advice anyone is willing to give.

Many thanks,

Here is a muscovy egg that I cracked by accident and I think it's between 4 and 7 days incubated, but can't be sure because it's one from a nest and I have no idea when she started to sit. The candler I use is a Brinsea OvaView and is't pretty bright.


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