Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

In the winter time, I usually take a shirt and cover half the bator, this helps maintain the temp and humidity.. Because in side your house the temp will change because of the heater, a shirt usually helps.....
The only thing you need to work on right now is GET that temp UP get it up to 101 or 102, keep the humidity at 45 or whatever you have it at now. If you raise the humidity for that one egg the others are going to get to much water and will become sticky, IT"S easier to SAVE a shrink wrapped baby then it is to save a STICKY baby...

sticky babies have a hard time absorbing because they first have to absorb all the water then the yolk usually before they get to the yolk they are to tired to work on the yolk. your best bet is to just keep doing what you are doing but get that temp UP.

Thank you thank you thank you Lacrystol!

It's 8AM here in Massachusetts and I checked the eggs before I read your posts. I can still hear #4 pecking and see movement. NO external pipping yet! #5 is also moving, but I don't hear anything.

The humidity is still at 55% - Not sure what it was overnight, but I would imagine similar. I removed the sponge...

I have to go out today and buy some pine shavings and an incubator...but will be home most of the day and will keep an eye on everything without opening the incubator....and as soon as I see an external pip, I will post, Lacrystol! MANY THANKS!
I'll be watching closely.
Thank you thank you thank you Lacrystol!

It's 8AM here in Massachusetts and I checked the eggs before I read your posts. I can still hear #4 pecking and see movement. NO external pipping yet! #5 is also moving, but I don't hear anything.

The humidity is still at 55% - Not sure what it was overnight, but I would imagine similar. I removed the sponge...

I have to go out today and buy some pine shavings and an incubator...but will be home most of the day and will keep an eye on everything without opening the incubator....and as soon as I see an external pip, I will post, Lacrystol! MANY THANKS!

Didn't you have it lower?? Yes take that sponge out, they should be OK until you get your second incubator but Don't put them in right away until your Setting are absolutely correct. For your Lockdown incubator get the temp up to 101 to 102 and Humidity should be around 65 to 70. Don't let that humidity hit 80 OMG, I did that and lost all my babies. A lesson to learn, a lot of websites will tell you 80 to 90 for Lockdown. I can tell you HELL NOOOO. LOL

And you would think with Waterfowl, OH THEY CAN HANDLE THE WATER, UH NOPE, they are still babies..

Also once they have hatched and are out, Please do not let them swim for at least a week. Reason why is because, Momma ducks will take there babies and store them under there wings, when they do this they put an oil on the babies, this oil protects them and keeps them from drowning. Now since Us Humans can NOT put the same oils on our incubated babies, we have to wait until they create there own oils so after they are out, please give them at least a week. If you don't at least give them this week, there little fluffy fur will act as a sponge, weigh the little guys down and could end up drowning..

It's all a learning experience the good thing about all this is YOU can only do better and better...
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I agree! That is why I left 9 eggs ALONE in the nest for Zippy to sit on - she never did. Laid one egg a day and NEVER sat on them! Sigh!
Awwe mother instinct hasn't kicked in for her yet. Is she a first timer. First timers always make me nerves because they never seem to stay on them long enough. They seem to get to impatient and off they go.. I've had ONE duck take off into the woods for the LONGEST time, I thought a fox got her, next thing I know, here comes 7 babies. She's limping but 7 of her babies are following right behind her. THE CUTEST THING EVER>..

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