Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

You must do what works for you. What works for me may not work for you. Once you take the eggs away from the nest, YOU are assuming the role of Mother Nature and even if you were a chicken, mistakes happen. What I have posted are only suggestions and the way I do it, but then I'm not a chicken either.
got cha
They are adorable! Are they really that much bigger, 'cause my meat customers sure would like like, lol.


Kathy, I can't honestly answer if they are bigger or not. Mine are just starting to lay and probably haven't grown "out" to potential, but I do know they make a much cleaner looking carcass than dark Muscovies. And, for they most part they are prettier than the wild looking Muscovys in my opinion. The white makes them look cleaner and more appealing to meat customers or so I would think.

I am sure you have run in to some people that think the Muscovy is really ugly and a pest put upon this earth to irritate them and I know they have gotten a bad rap around housing developments where people hold their noses even when they enter a barn at a fairground.

Exactly... hens don't artificially incubate their eggs.. they do what nature intended .. and even then they have failures because of predators, bacteria, disease or just being clumsy with their eggs...

Once you take the "natural incubation" out of the equation you can fix the issues and one step in doing that is to monitor the eggs by weighing or checking air cell growth

if people are happy with low hatch rates then that's fine for them... but for me personally.. I prefer to have every undamaged fertile egg that I place into the incubator hatch with no issues
Well I usually get anywhere from 95 to 100% hatchings so by studying them and micmicking them, I must be doing something correct...
Well I usually get anywhere from 95 to 100% hatchings so by studying them and micmicking them, I must be doing something correct...

Hi Lacrystol,

What are you hatching that you consistently get 95-100% hatch rate ? I'm definitely open to suggestions as I do not pretend to know it all and if I can learn a new or better hatching procedure, I'm all ears. Please post what specie you hatch with such luck and how you do it. After all, we are all here to learn from each other.

Wanted to give you guys a quick status on Chrissyr's hatching, she had 6 eggs total, one died in its shell, the first one we helped out, over night the second one popped out, right now, I'm helping her get out one that is at the wrong end, he's at the little end. He's almost out. then we will work on the other three eggs. Looks like the one that died shrink wrapped. He didn't quite make the deadline of his due date. So there wasn't anything we could have done for him.

I will get back as soon as the other three are out..

OK HE IS OUT, omg and he never internally pipped. Amazing. working on number 4
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Wanted to give you guys a quick status on Chrissyr's hatching, she had 6 eggs total, one died in its shell, the first one we helped out, over night the second one popped out, right now, I'm helping her get out one that is at the wrong end, he's at the little end. He's almost out. then we will work on the other three eggs. Looks like the one that died shrink wrapped. He didn't quite make the deadline of his due date. So there wasn't anything we could have done for him.

I will get back as soon as the other three are out..

OK HE IS OUT, omg and he never internally pipped. Amazing. working on number 4
Yay for duckies!!!
All nine of mine had to be helped out and I might have been able to save one of the ones that died if I had seen the dark spot in time, I could have pipped for it.


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