Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

OK Kathy here's what he say's

Try a small drop orally 2 x a day. Once in the early AM and once in the early PM. You can dilute it with anything that will make it more palatable. Give for 5 to 7 days and see what happens. You could at the same time put Oxytet in the water at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per quart of water

If you don't have the Oxylet let me know and I can overnight you some.
Thanks... a small every 12 hours is what I've been doing. There is absolutely no point in putting any oxytet in the water as the e. Coli is probably resistant to it.

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Look again, it only has ++. That, and the fact that the last lab report showed the bacteria being resistant means it won't work.


I saw that but perhaps with the two working together, would help kick it into overdrive. I'm not sure though. Got to be a reason why he would suggest both...

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