Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Kathy... If I remember reading right.. you assisted most of yours?

Assisted muscovys tend to be a bit "weaker" at first than the ones that hatch on their own.. it seems the extra struggling really takes it's toll..

incubator updates...

Emu eggs should be done in a few weeks (only 2 bad eggs.. the others have either hatched or are wiggling)..
this round of chickens:.. Red Broilers and Mottled Cornish due out within the next few days.. then Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons after that.. Heritage Barred Rocks and Jubilee Orpingtons due after those..

I have a test hatch started now for a fertility check on the Heritage turkeys... Sweetgrass tom over Buff hens (Jersey Buff and Self Buff).. Sweetgrass and Bronze hens haven't started laying yet

I have Peafowl and Mandarin eggs slated end of March til the end of April.. several hatches for those ..

also have some goose eggs in the bators.. Sebastopol, Embden and Toulouse.. but they should be out towards the end of this month..
duck eggs are due to hatch mid March (Khaki Campbells and Ancona)... Call Ducks and Muscovys should be in the incubators around the end of March to early April.. not sure if I will set any of the others (Giant Pekin, Cayuga) that we have yet or not... gonna depend on freezer space or if I have anyone who wants ducklings this year as opposed to hatching eggs..

tossing in some mixed goose eggs (colored Sebastopol X Embden) to check fertility this week...

Parrots will go in as soon as I get the phone call to pick them up (depends on when the breeder birds start laying).. Conures, African greys, Cockatoos, Macaws and Eclectus

More chicken eggs from the meat projects as well as any I have shipped in plus the other projects I have going (Bresse, Silkied Ameraucana, English Orps, Turkens, Coronation Sussex and the "long tail" project) ..

so life is as usual.. lol.. incubators run year round (minus two weeks when I "take a break")
All nine required assistance, and this one was more lethargic than the others.

Wow, you are quite the busy hatcher, lol. Where do you get peafowl eggs from this early?

yup.. we have two parrots that are ours.. the ones I hatch out belong to a few local breeders plus one of our relatives... so when breeding season is in full swing I stay pretty busy depending on their demand

We have our hands full with the chicks when they hatch out.. I usually end up hand feeding them for several weeks then send them back to the breeders

i think my african grey would develop a complex if I kept a bunch of them.. he's so darn spoiled (and opinionated) and loves being the king of the castle!

yinepu, Have you access to any fertile Ocellated Turkey eggs?............

He looks great! Congratulations and kudos on the quick may have just saved a life! I would like to take a moment to remember the other little ducklings that passed away from this infection. Now we can understand WHY we had to go through that, so that little Rocky could be with us here today!
Kathy! I'm so thankful for the sacrifice those widdle waddles made for all of us!
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He looks great! Congratulations and kudos on the quick may have just saved a life! I would like to take a moment to remember the other little ducklings that passed away from this infection. Now we can understand WHY we had to go through that, so that little Rocky could be with us here today!
Kathy! I'm so thankful for the sacrifice those widdle waddles made for all of us!
Thanks! I'm sooooooo glad I sent them off for necropsy. If I hadn't, I would have assumed that they died from some sort of wry neck problem. All it took was one call to UC Davis and the pathologist I spoke with said that the neck problem was most likely due to a systemic infection and not wry neck. Interestingly, the sensitivities showed that the bacteria was resistant to any of the antibiotics that we can get at feedstores.


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