Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs
Mushy chick disease develops inside the egg as the chick develops. Chicks once born stagger about and look sleepy. They will be reluctant to move and stay under the heat source. Mortality follows with the worst of it occurring within the first couple of days of the chicks life. Chicks that survive the first few days will usually never be as strong or healthy as the rest of the flock.
@chrissyr , how about pictures of yours?

I will get some more for sure. sorry for the late replies. all of my notifications have been going to my spam folder. not sure why that all of a sudden changed this week. and i couldn't click on the "see post" link, hmmm.
tomorrow they go to their home for the friend I hatched them for. they are such little sweethearts ! Will get pics up asap!
I would like to take a moment to remember the other little ducklings that passed away from this infection. Now we can understand WHY we had to go through that, so that little Rocky could be with us here today!
Kathy! I'm so thankful for the sacrifice those widdle waddles made for all of us!

@subhanalah - VERY well said! I always think the same thing....and am so saddened that some have to die for us to learn how to save the rest - but that's the learning curve, and we as humans are better for the experience. But it always makes me cry, and feel so sad, yet grateful for the learning experience so I can go on and save others. Always full of remorse for the ones we lost in the process - and we'll never forget them!
Perfect! Mine's in my living room.


Holy cow - I love it that I am not the only lunatic who has a FARM in my living room! I always think that if ANYONE knew, they'd seize my animals and put me in a mental institution! Who LIVES with farm animals in their living room? SO GLAD to come here to learn that I am "normal" - or at least that there are other lunatics out there! :) The wood chips are taking over my house, and NO ONE but you folks here can understand that! :)
Holy cow - I love it that I am not the only lunatic who has a FARM in my living room! I always think that if ANYONE knew, they'd seize my animals and put me in a mental institution! Who LIVES with farm animals in their living room? SO GLAD to come here to learn that I am "normal" - or at least that there are other lunatics out there! :) The wood chips are taking over my house, and NO ONE but you folks here can understand that! :)

No way is that odd... last year i had two buffs, two scovies in my living room.. calls in my dining room and silkies in my daughters room... typical year frankly.
I now have 11 Embden eggs in the incubator which I wouldn't bet a nickel on them being fertile, but just to be sure, they are in there.

I also just added 6 Muscovy eggs from my last years hatch which are just starting to lay. Now those may be fertile as I've seen a lot of action in their pen, but yet again, this is their first time.

Been trying to get on a list for Midget White turkeys. I want to put a dozen in the incubator.

Someday I'd like to try a couple of emu or rhea fertile eggs.

And on an unrelated note, I really do not have even a hint of a green thumb, but my African Violets are doing very well !

NICE! I used to have african violets.. until the cats got into the office....
OMG, Kathy those are some GREAT pics.

Here's a pickle I got myself into, I threw some eggs in the bator, one was cracked pretty good at the air cell. So I applied tape to it. Well I really wasn't expecting anything to happen but I candled it last night. LOL sure enough is GROWING.

OMG, but stupid me forgot the reason why I put the tape on it in the first place, so I started pealing the tape off, ONLY to cause more damaged to already Cracked shell. Now theres a THUMB print of broken shell. Some of the shell has fallen off but the embryo STILL ALIVE.

So I taped it back up really good. Will see if this guy can make it to the end. He's on his 10th day, I really don't expect much or expect him to make it but it would be interesting if he does.

IF he does and that's a BIG IF, we can put me down for: W T H ????? they don't even die when you CRACKED 3/4 of the SHELL? How is that Possible..

Bacteria will be the biggest concern.. I have done some pretty wicked patch jobs on eggs and still had them hatch.. but if the bacteria is already in there and thriving then there isn't much the average person can do about it...

EASY question for the experts: Is it OK to write on the eggs (just number them!) with a Sharpie? I have been numbering them with a pencil, but the numbers are rubbed off by Zippy when she turns and sits on the eggs. I know egg shells are porous, so not sure if Sharpie ink is safe.

@casportpony - Your babies are PRECIOUS! Are those zip ties on their legs to identify them? We thought of doing that, but were afraid they would get too tight and we would not be able to get them off. Do you have any problems with them? I know they make leg bands....We are currently still using the "dot of food coloring on the head" method of identification!

yup.. Sharpies are fine.. someone a while back started a thread about completely covering some eggs with sharpie.. after hatch (and they all hatched fine) they showed pics of the inside of teh shell.. there was NO bleed through of the ink

I use a Sharpie on all of my Eggs, there's a lot of discrepancies about it. Some say it goes into the pores but I have done it for YEARS, I have never had an issue with using it. For me I put the date that the eggs are in the process. If you really think about it if a sharpie ruins it then why not any other type of Ink or Pencil markings.

But for me, Sharpie's are not an issue..

I've used everything from sharpies to ballpoint ink to pastels... lol.. whatever I had on hand at that moment.. now I just use sharpies for the majority of them..
tried the cake dye pens once.. was a disaster when I misted the eggs!.. lol

All nine required assistance, and this one was more lethargic than the others.

Wow, you are quite the busy hatcher, lol. Where do you get peafowl eggs from this early?


I am getting some from a breeder in Florida that said he normally has them around the end of March.. the other breeders are from Kansas and Texas.. should have those sometime in April

yinepu, Have you access to any fertile Ocellated Turkey eggs?............


I'm working on that one.. the price is still a bit high on the eggs though (if I can talk him out of a half dozen or so)... so I may have to wait a couple more years.. lol

and earlier this week.. this was walking around in my living room and dining room...

Her name is Fiona.. born February 18th.. since we had so many large drops in temperature (from 84 down to 15 or so) I brought her in to help keep the little gal warm.. her mom was NOT happy.. but had to deal with it..

We won't discuss all the brooders in the dining room, office and front porch..

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