Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Question... how common is it for a duckling to rupture it's yolk as it's hatching? I ask because there's someone in another group that thinks this might have happened to hers.

Question... how common is it for a duckling to rupture it's yolk as it's hatching? I ask because there's someone in another group that thinks this might have happened to hers.


it depends... was it caused by someone assisting too early?.. or was it ruptured when the duckling hatched on it's own?

If by assist.. well.. they went in too early.. plain and simple

but usually it's caused by a bacterial infection (omphalitis) or improper turning of the egg during the early stages (yolk stuck to shell).. occasionally it can be caused by accident.. a duckling that manages to zip before he's quite ready and in his eagerness hits the yolk with his foot.. (which can also happen if someone gets a bit too eager and starts helping the duckling allowing him to get out of the shell a wee bit too early)..

On it's own a duckling can be saved if he does manage to rupture the yolk.. there are a few methods you can employ.. unless it's a bacterial issue..

if it is bacterial.. peritonitis can set in.. and by that stage the little guy is basically a goner...
Quote: Thanks! From what they described after I posted, it sounds like it was not a ruptured yolk. They said something like "duckling had pipped, egg rolled over and greenish, yellowish, brown fluid drained out, that it had the consistency of yolk and the duckling was dead, but they didn't do an eggtopsy to see if the yolk had been absorbed.

It's been 12 hours since the one pipped externally, so I decided to take a peek and it's malpositioned as is this one.

The brown spot is where it pipped internally, the hole is one I made. Note that the air cell is on the other side of the egg!

This is after I made the hole larger

Hole/pip vs air cell

Thanks! From what they described after I posted, it sounds like it was not a ruptured yolk. They said something like "duckling had pipped, egg rolled over and greenish, yellowish, brown fluid drained out, that it had the consistency of yolk and the duckling was dead, but they didn't do an eggtopsy to see if the yolk had been absorbed.


Just had this done to me over the weekend, One Duck broke it's yolk, his foot or toe nail whatever, caught at it just right... I also had one die because of a Blood clot right on his yolk.
Update - Two duckling are out and fluffed, but one looks a little iffy. When I went to check on the other two eggs the duck wasn't sitting on them and they were cold.

This is the one I am most worried about, it's air cell is at the wrong end of the egg.

I'm surprised it's still alive, and it was trying to pip at the end without an air cell (heard it peep once, I think), so I decided to pip for it and of course there is a little blood.
Anyway, the two egg are in the incubator now and the two ducklings are curled up on hot water bottles while I prepare the brooder.

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